Relaxation – How do parents unwind at home?

Last Updated on January 2, 2021 by HodgePodgeDays

When the small boy is tucked up for the night and the house falls silent, it’s often not a time for relaxation for us. When the boy falls asleep we do chores for an hour or so, catch up on admin, clean the house, sort the washing. It’s endless. But once that is done then for me the TV goes on, I flop on the sofa, fire up Twitter and unwind with a brew. My husband has other ideas, for as much of the year as possible, as long as it’s dry he will sit outside and have a cold beer under the stars.

People unwind in different ways. My mother in law would tend to her allotment, my dad would watch comedy DVDs and chat to his magic friends (that’s not as weird as it sounds, he was a magician). My friends will open a bottle and a box set. Everyone is different, but everyone needs to relax in whatever way they find works best for them.

Rattan Direct have put together a survey asking what you as parents do to unwind around the home. They want to know what works best for you. Like me do you chill out in front of the TV, or does relaxation for you involve having family and friends round for the evening? Maybe you bake a cake or have a hot bath with scented candles and your favourite bath oils.

relaxation bath

Whatever relaxation means to you, it’s a necessity. Life and parenting can be stressful and finding time to unwind and relax is essential. Making space for that rare thing – “me time” is so important. Without an hour of doing nothing but zoning out over a repeat of NCIS each night, I know I’d be a frazzled mess of a mum.

How do you unwind? What does relaxation mean to you?

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One thought on “Relaxation – How do parents unwind at home?

  1. I love that your husband relaxes by going outside under the stars. I think I relax in different ways. Sometimes it’s just scrolling through social media (does that count as relaxing), other times grabbing netflix and watching a boxset. And sometimes an early night and a good book is needed. Love the new look by the way x

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