7 Healthy and Delicious Drinks with Honey That You Can Enjoy in All Seasons

Last Updated on April 3, 2023 by HodgePodgeDays

Honey has always been considered a miracle potion of nature with several health benefits. The most notable of which is honey will increase your body’s ability to strengthen the immune system.

Honey calms your throat and also contains antimicrobial properties, which make it a healthy drink option to start your day. However, healthy food options often have a reputation for tasting bad, whereas adding honey will surely make your drink or food taste better.

7 Healthy and Delicious Drinks with Honey That You Can Enjoy in All Seasons

Whether you want to pair honey with tea or drink it as lemonade in the afternoon, you can follow plenty of recipes. The recipes of healthy and delicious drink with honey that you can enjoy all year round in every season is given below:

1.               Honey With Lemon: Refreshing Warm Drink for Any Season

This is one of the most popular recipes among health-conscious folks around the world. It is also known as a healthy morning drink as it is easy to make, as the name suggests.


Honey, Lemon, and Water.


To make this refreshing honey lemon drink, you must fill your glass with warm water. While warming up the water, make sure you bring the water to simmering so that it doesn’t boil for long.

After pouring the warm water into the glass, wait for a minute for it to cool down a little bit, and add 1 or 2 tablespoons of honey. You must not add honey to piping hot water as it can get toxic above the temperature of 140 degrees.

Nevertheless, if you are extracting honey at home, make sure you are keeping it in a tight glass jar so that it stays fresh for a long time.

You can have the drink without lemon if that suits you. However, paring honey with lemon adds a few extra benefits to the drink. Furthermore, you can add mint, and it will turn into lemonade.

Health Benefits:

  • Helps in losing weight,
  • Boosts energy level,
  • Works as a detoxifying agent,
  • Helps to improve the digestive system,
  • Improves the immune system of the body,
  • Makes your skin glow with the detoxifying process.

2.               Honey With Milk: Soothing Warm Drink Before Bed for Any Season

A part of healthy dieting often includes light food at night before sleeping. However, you might feel hungry!

Therefore, to fill up your hungry stomach in a healthy way, you can have honey with milk. Milk is essential for bone health and pairing it with honey gives you an extra boost of immunity.

Furthermore, the drink will calm your body and mind and soothe the tiredness of the day so that you can sleep peacefully. At the same time, you are having a sweet drink without adding sugar.

Hence, you can drop the habit of consuming sugar every time you drink milk. Again, as this drink is preferable for people of all ages, your kids can have it with you as well.


Honey and milk. You may add cloves, cardamom, or vanilla.


The recipe is pretty simple. You need to boil the milk for 5 to 10 minutes to kill any germs. Adding cloves, cardamom, or vanilla (but not chocolate when you want to keep it a healthy drink), will infuse a different taste to the milk.

Health Benefits:

  • Helps you to sleep faster,
  • Improves bone health,
  • Increases the healing process of your body, and
  • Provides calming effect in the body and reliefs stress.

3.               Honey With Tea: a Healthy Morning Drink for Any Season

Nutritionists name this tea detox tea. It is the best option for herbal tea lovers who want to purify their bodies. This tea can provide a revitalizing morning sip with the inclusion of honey and the health benefits of ginger, turmeric, and black pepper.


Honey with any flavour of black tea or green tea or you can make one similar to the recipe below.


The recipe of detox honey tea can be modified as you please. However, the basic recipe is the same.

You need to bring the water to simmer with all the ingredients you want in your tea, for example, ginger, turmeric, black pepper, clove, or cardamom.

After it reduces to half, turn off the gas and wait for it to cool down so you can dip your finger for a few seconds, add honey and have a sip.

In another way, you have to put a tea bag of your favourite tea and pour the hot drink in the cup over the tea bag. It will soak the tea bag, and after waiting for a few moments, add honey, and your healthy morning drink is ready to kick start your day.

Health Benefits:

  • Alleviates nausea in the morning,
  • Aids in dropping extra pounds,
  • Beneficial for lowering the odds of developing liver and heart problems.

4.               Banana Honey Smoothies: a Sweet Drink for a Hot Summer Day

Smoothies taste better when you have them with ice cream, which gives them the creamy texture that we love so much. However, this extra shot of ice cream makes the drink full of calories and sugar, which causes weight gain and many other gum problems.

Hence, we want you to try this honey banana smoothie. This drink will give you the peace of mind of having the sweetest drink without any worry about getting extra calories.


2/3 bananas, 550 ml of soya milk, 2/3 tablespoon Honey and ice cubes.


To make the smoothie, you need to grab a blender first. After that add half a portion of the milk and the rest of the items to the blender and blend it for a minute or two.

Pause and taste the mix to check whether you need extra honey to make the drink sweet. Add more honey if you want to and the rest of the milk. Blend it till the drink becomes frothy.

Adding apple, yogurt, cinnamon powder, and granola can turn this smoothie into a granola fruit smoothie.

Health Benefits:

  • Assists the muscle-repairing system of the body,
  • Compact with nutritional properties,
  • Helps with digestion by improving metabolism.

Other Drinks Made With Honey:

There are multiple other ways to enjoy honey in your drink. Whether or not you are looking for new drink ideas, you should try these drinks once. We guarantee you’ll never leave honey behind after tasting these amazing drinks. Making these drinks are easier than you think, just like the easy recipe for Garlic Hummus.

5. Raspberry-rosemary Lemonade: Best Have It in Summer

You need to make an extract of rosemary by heating the herbs in water. After that, add raspberry, lemon, and honey as you may like.

6. Honey Cocktails: Best Have It in Spring or Fall

Have you ever tried honey in your cocktails? Make a Bee’s Knees cocktail with honey, lime juice, and gin. You must also try lemon juice, tequila, and honey cocktail.

7. Hot Chocolate: Best Have It in Winter

Instead of having a hot chocolate drink made with powdered chocolate you picked in the super shop, make a new one with cocoa cacao and honey. Take around 75% or higher cocoa and mix it with milk and honey to find the exotic new taste of hot chocolate on a cold winter evening.


Drinking more fluid always has some beneficial effects on the body. And making your drink healthier and tastier is a great way to start your healthy food diet journey.

And there might be other ways to cut off sugar from your drinks. However, honey must always be in your kitchen so that you don’t have to forget the sweetness.

This is a contributed post.

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