Last Updated on September 16, 2014 by HodgePodgeDays
My Dear Benjamin,
Happy Birthday darling, you’re three today and so grown up.

You’re such a cheeky, funny little monkey. Tonight you grabbed my boob and sang “jelly on a plate, jelly on a plate, wibble, wobble, wibble, wobble, jelly on a plate” it was a bit inappropriate but absolutely hilarious.
That’s you all over. You’ve got funny bones. I always say you’re the best bits of me and your Daddy rolled into one gorgeous, perfect little package. You’ve got your Dads calm, you’re clever like him too and can be quite considered; physically you’re almost identical to him, you run and walk the same, everyone says so.
You’re funny and cheeky like me; you’re a quick learner, pretty astute, but mainly just funny and laid back. Oh and your stubbornness, that comes from both of us, we come from a long line of pig-headed sods. Embrace it as the irritating gift it is, it’ll see you through some tough times one day, I’m pretty sure of that.
So, my beautiful Benjamin. You are much admired for your good looks and squishy cheeks. People comment on your gorgeous deep brown eyes with lashes that 98% of girls would kill for. They think you’re laid back and chilled, you’re funny and kind, you really are so kind Benjamin. Never lose that please.
You’ve got just the right amount of confidence. Enough so you can walk into a room and crack on with stuff without clinging to my legs, but not too much that people think you over-confident and precocious.
I think we’ve done a pretty decent job of dragging you up so far. You really are a good, easy going lad and we’re so proud of you. We’ve had a bad year and I’ve not been able to be the Mummy that you needed me to be, I hope that this next year we’ll be able to make up for lost time.
Stick to your guns and just be you, be true to yourself and always do what feels right. If you do that you won’t go far wrong.
Have a brilliant birthday Benj. You really are the best thing that’s ever happened to me and your Daddy. Keep being you.
All our love, forever,
Mummy & Daddy xxx