Last Updated on March 25, 2014 by HodgePodgeDays
In the New Year I wrote this blog post about body confidence, and with it a picture of me in my pants. It was I’ll admit a fairly brave thing to do. It’s taken a long time to love and accept me for the awesome, beautiful, imperfect creature I am. I love me. Of course there are things I’d like to change, make smaller, make bigger, make less wrinkly, but I’m 37 now and much of that isn’t going to magic itself perfect. Ever.
Around the same time I outlined my resolution for the year – in 2014 I resolve to become fitter and healthier in body and mind. Fair dos. It’s a goal, maybe a bit of an airyfairy one, but I knew then and I know now what I need to do to achieve that.
This week I’ve started the SlimPod programme with Thinking Slimmer. It’s not a faddy diet, it works by listening to a hypnosis recording every night for 3 weeks. It persuades your subconscious to make you make positive changes. Smaller portions, more exercise, whatever you know you need to do to turn yourself into the person and shape you want to be.
It doesn’t focus on actual weight loss, in fact I’m discouraged from getting the scales out every day or even every week. Success, or not, is measured in inches off rather than pounds lost. I’ve only listened to it twice, mainly because today is day two, so I can’t comment on how successful it will be.
I’ve taken my measurements, I’ve filled in my goal setting sheet and I’ve shared my ambitions for finding the new fitter, slimmer me on their Facebook group. It’s all systems go.
I’ll be on this for the next 12 weeks and I’ll be blogging my progress periodically. So stay tuned.

Oh and if you’re interested in my goals, if only to hold me accountable if you see me necking a pint and some mini cheddars in the pub, then these are they…
- Exercise more often
- Lose the muffin top before my holiday in June
- Drink less alcohol
Disclaimer: Thinking Slimmer have given me free access to their SlimPod programme in return for me blogging about it. There’s no pressure to say it’s amazing, so whatever I write will be my honest thoughts, feelings and opinions of the process. Wish me luck!