My Sunday Photo 15.5.16

Last Updated on May 15, 2016 by HodgePodgeDays

On Friday I spent the day at Jessops in Manchester at their academy. A month or so ago I bought myself a Nikon D3330 DSLR camera and one of the things I also did was book a place on their level 1 photography course. I was a bit nervous, I didn’t really know what to expect. I was still very unfamiliar with my camera and worried I would be the class idiot.

I actually didn’t really have too much to worry about, the trainer was excellent and explained things really well, and all the blog photography sessions I’ve sat through at various conferences seemed to have given me a little knowledge which I can now build on.

The level 1 course focussed on Aperture, Shutter Speed and ISO and we managed a quick half hour on the streets of Manchester having a bit of a play with our cameras and our new found knowledge. Here is teddy posing with a mystery man outside the Arndale Centre in Manchester. 


I loved the course so much that I immediately splashed out £150 on a new 50mm lens and booked myself onto the level 2 course for later this year.

If you’re getting to grips with a new camera I can totally recommend the Jessops level 1 course, it’s given me lots of confidence to go out and have a go and try and take good pictures on purpose, not just by accident!

Have a lovely Sunday 🙂

15 thoughts on “My Sunday Photo 15.5.16

  1. Ah, the ‘golden triangle’. The first time I was taught about the relationship between aperture, speed and ISO, so much just clicked into place. Whenever I’m using my SLR, I do the little calculation in my head to work out what the best combination of the three is.

  2. Great photo, I love the focus on the teddy. I have the model down from you and it really doesn’t do well in manual, or at least that’s my excuse!

  3. That’s brilliant! I sometimes get frustrated that photos don’t come out quite as I’d like them to. Maybe I should do a course? I’ve had an SLR since I was 18 and was good at photography back in the day, but the rest of the world caught me up, then overtook me!

  4. Good for you! I keep saying I’m going to do a course, but never do. I love your photo, teddy looks like he’d better watch out, lol.

  5. I really need to do a photography course, but have yet to get round to it. I love the blurred out background in your image and the way the ted looks like it’s floating.


  6. Oooh that photo is so good (although the mystery man looks like he might be about to grab poor teddy!). I love my 50mm lens lots but I’m not confident at manual at all!

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