Love snowy pictures, although I am fed up with it now, school closures and working from home don’t mix x Reply
Not masses, we had one real day of snow and then it melted quite quickly. Managed to get some nice pictures before it went though. Reply
I tried but the boy wasn’t up for it, he said the snow was too cold and snowy. I guess he had a point 🙂 Reply
What a beautiful snowy scene. I’m jealous because we haven’t had any snow! 🙁
That’s looks sooooo pretty I’m am jealous lol. We only got a dust and then it rained !
Love snowy pictures, although I am fed up with it now, school closures and working from home don’t mix x
Love that the snow is actually falling here. did you get much?
Not masses, we had one real day of snow and then it melted quite quickly. Managed to get some nice pictures before it went though.
Snow! Wish we had some. #silentsunday
We have plenty of that… Looking forward to Spring here! 😀 Lovely shot though! 😀
Stunning! We’ve not had any settle, much to my kids disappointment!
I like it when its like this-falling gently and not too much settling!
Beautiful and Wintery, we’ve had no snow, so I’m loving all the Winter scenes been posted
A beautiful snowy scene. It looks so pretty x #silentsunday
Very pretty, especially if it was taken from inside!
A perfect winter scene, I love it
Thank you for linking up
A beautiful wintery scene….I wish we’d had some snow.
getting very jealous of all the snowy picture on silent sunday 🙁
Cold and beautiful! #mysundayphoto
Oh you have proper snow, how jealous are wd??! That’s a beautiful snow scene xx
Lovely snowy shot! So pretty.
Ooh, what a gorgeous snowy scene. Did you build a snowman?
I tried but the boy wasn’t up for it, he said the snow was too cold and snowy. I guess he had a point 🙂
lovely lovely shot. such beauty in a wintry scene. i love the snowy branches and grounds.