My Sunday Photo 27.3.16

Last weekend we headed to Wythenshawe Community Farm to check out the new arrivals. Alongside a 3 hour old calf and a day old set of triplet lambs, we found a field full of slightly older but much cheekier lambs. This cheeky pair caught my eye as they clambered all over their mother.

Nothing says spring like a field full of lambs.

Wythenshawe Community Farm

You can read more about our visit to Wythenshawe Community Farm here.

14 thoughts on “My Sunday Photo 27.3.16

  1. I love this time of year and seeing lots of lambs every year. Those two look so cute and their mum is like “ah I could kill for a cuppa right now”

  2. Love how it’s climbing on Mum’s back! We were rather excited seeing our first lambs this weekend.

  3. They look cute! I am planning on going on a farm to see the lambs too! I hope we can get ahead of this plan =)


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