Last Updated on November 29, 2015 by HodgePodgeDays
On Friday night, me and almost every blogger with a northern accent (and a few rogue southerners) went to the On The List Co-Op event in Manchester.
It was a lovely, glittery, if very damp evening. I was part of the Q&A Panel (which you can read about here, should you wish), a role I was very much dreading and had managed to work myself up into a ball of anxiety about for most of the week.
My picture (taken by Karen Hannah, aka Grumpyish Mum) shows me enjoying a post-panel drink and feeling relieved that I didn’t quite make a complete fool of myself for once.
I think you can see the relief on my face. It was a great night though, and it was lovely to see everyone again.

A much needed drink from the sounds of it – well done for getting through being on the panel, I’m sure you were great 🙂
Great photo. Sounds like a lovely evening x
Glad it went well. It certainly did seem as if anyone from north of Watford Gap attended – hope that helped make it a good night.
You certainly look like you’re ready for that glass of wine!
Glad you had a great event and it looks like you’ve kicked started your blogger Christmas events
Oh you look so fed up, but hurrah for a glass of wine, hope it helped
The food was great! I enjoyed the night too! Lovely picture! Angela from daysinbed
You look very festive! Glad to hear it was a good night 🙂 #mysundayphoto
Cheers… you certainly look relieved. Sometimes it’s good to stretch ourselves. Great fun photo ;D
Glad it went well. Sounds like a much deserved drink 🙂
Well done on being on the panel, I bet that drink went down well
Aww, I’m glad you made it through. I don’t know about you by for me wine usually makes things better, heh.
It looks like a great night and a drink always helps x
I’ve read a lot about #TheList, looks like it was a good event. Hope yoiu enjoyed your drink! #MySUndayPhoto
Very festive! Well done on completing your panel!
It was a lovely evening, wasn’t it? And you were fab on the panl 🙂
It sounds like it was a great evening. I hope you all had fun
Thank you for linking up
Sounds like it was a good event. Love the hat!
It sounds like a great evening! Well done x
It’s a lovely photo. It wa a pleasure to be on the panel with you.
Well first off I am very jealous that you got a Christmas hat. Or were these special panel hats ? Seriously though Jane you were fantastic on the panel as were Sian and Louise. It was a great night, and that glass of wine was very much deserved x
Well done you and I am sure you were FANTASTIC 🙂 #MySundayPhoto
You were great on the panel! I was really nervous too. It was lovely to meet you. I would have liked more time to chat with everyone afterwards! x
It was nice to meet you, and it was a great experience all round 🙂