Colouring was one of my favourite childhood activities at both our boys also like a good colouring session! Reply
now that looks like fun! x
Looks like he is having fun xx
What a great pic, real concentration!
Busy, busy, busy. 🙂
Nothing beats colouring in, if your a child 🙂
Aww colouring in, very clever 🙂
I thoroughly enjoy the peace when my eldest entertains herself colouring in.
Someone looks very engrossed in their drawing!
Looks like he’s concentrating very hard 🙂
Lovely picture 🙂
such concentration
So concentrated! Dont you just love it when they get lost with an activity =) #mysundayphoto
Trying to work out what the words are for, looks like it’s harder than just colouring.
I love seeing children with their heads in books
Thank you for linking up
Love how kids always look so focused on what they’re doing.
Superb focus and intent! Looks like he is enjoying himself
Colouring was one of my favourite childhood activities at both our boys also like a good colouring session!