He looks very enthralled by whatever he’s up to. Hope you’re having a fun bank holiday weekend 🙂 x Reply
Very much what mine look like when entranced by their iPods and iPads! Lovely photo and such focus and concentration from your little one. Whatever he was watching must have been good. 🙂 Reply
Kids are so tuned in to the way electronic gadgets work, aren’t they? It’s second nature to them from an early age. Reply
He looks so focused, bless him 🙂 #mysundayphoto
He looks very enthralled by whatever he’s up to. Hope you’re having a fun bank holiday weekend 🙂 x
Such concentration. Gorgeous shot 😉
Enjoy your weekend
Oh, he’s concentrating so hard! Lovely x
Hard at work!
The concentration on that little face! Love it
Very Thoughful – looks like he is reading something important
A moment of iPad induced peace. I love those moments!
Great photo, it’s not minecraft is it?
He looks so deep in thought. Very cute #MySundayPhoto x
Arrr I love the concentration on his face x #SilentSunday
Awe, he looks so engrossed. Bless him. #MySundayPhoto
Now that’s what I call studying
ooo someone is deep in thought lol. Have a lovely sunday
Such concentration and looks like a very comfy spot to concentrate in too
What a cutie – deep in concentration.
A study in concentration 🙂
He looks enthralled with what he is doing there 🙂
Deep in concentration!
Aww! How sweet. What’s he looking at?
Aww! He looks so deep in concentration x
What’s caught his attention?
Thank you for linking up
Is-it a complicated game? My frenchy also loves her Ipad!
Very much what mine look like when entranced by their iPods and iPads! Lovely photo and such focus and concentration from your little one. Whatever he was watching must have been good. 🙂
Oh the concentration! What is he watching?! Lovely photo 🙂
Got to love the iPad! My girls get hooked too, when I let them on it.
Bless him.
So serious with his apps =) #mysundayphoto
Kids are so tuned in to the way electronic gadgets work, aren’t they? It’s second nature to them from an early age.