Being a stay at home mum (or SAHM) can be extra stressful when between you and your partner you find that you’re not making ends meet, and that you’re struggling to pay the bills. As a stay at home mum you can do some additional things to contribute financially to the household pot. Raising a family is already a full-time job, so for many SAHM’s they have to get creative when it comes to making money.
Save Money with Vouchers
Benjamin Franklin once said “A penny saved, is a penny earned”, and I have to agree with him. Saving money is just as good and as important as making money. So one way you can contribute to your family’s finances, is by shopping around for bargains and discounts. There are useful websites such as VoucherBin which can be used to help save you money. On VoucherBin, you can select your category, and also your budget to find the right voucher for you. This online voucher portal is a very useful tool to find discount vouchers for you, but it also helps to find deals on your favourite websites. Saving that much on something you were already going to buy not only saves you money, but also gives you the satisfaction of finding a great deal and feeling like a champion bargain hunter!
Work from Home
Working from home is a great way to earn some extra money while you juggle childcare. If you do decide to try working from home, then it can be a tricky balancing act, lots of very hard work and a financial challenge. Nevertheless, working from home does have many advantages over an office based job, although it’s not for everyone. I’ve written about the challenges of working from home, it’s not an easy option but it is one which suits me and my lifestyle.
Avoid the Scams
Although Facebook posts like “make £4,000 a month from home!” may be tempting, it’s important to know when something is legitimate versus something that is unrealistically hopeful. Most of these scams need you to pay a start-up fee. This is where these companies make their money, not from their representatives and their consultants selling their products or services. Be careful when dealing with companies like these because they can be more of a money drain than a financial gain.
Contributing financially to your household income can be very rewarding, but it can also be exceptionally difficult. That’s why it’s so important to be organised and have structure. After all, there’s a reason most offices don’t have children running around asking to be fed or wanting to play. For most people, their first step into money making and saving is looking at current expenditure and seeing how that can be reduced, you might be surprised at how much you can save in this way.
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