Why do so many people neglect to take out life insurance?

Have you ever thought about taking out life insurance? Chances are, you’ve considered it, but have been put off because you think you can’t afford it, that you’re too old or you simply don’t think you need it.

If you’re someone who is over the age of 60 and in this position, don’t panic. Did you know that there are policies and coverage for people who are specifically in the over 60s demographic? It’s true – life insurance for over 60s is more popular than ever, so even if you’ve put off buying life cover before due to some of the reasons I’ve outlined below, read on to find out why you should move life cover further up your priority list. 

life insurance

People think they can’t afford it

We’re all tightening our belts at the moment, whether you’re counting the pennies every time you head to the supermarket, or you’re a retiree weighing up how to make your pension go further, we’re all cutting back on those little indulgences, and the things we don’t need. Life insurance, however, shouldn’t really fall into this category. 

When it comes to life insurance it’s important to remember that when you find the right policy, it should be one that you can afford and one that matches your current budget. Did you know that you can get a great policy for less than the price of a cup of coffee at one of those coffee shop chains we all know and love? And if you’re really worrying about your finances, doesn’t it make sense to have a policy in place, so your family has a financial safety net should anything happen to you?

People think they don’t need it

If you’re of a certain age, have never been ill, and have always been in good health then the idea of taking out a life insurance policy for over 60s cover can sound like you’re being overly cautious. Sure you might eat well and stay active, but if you suddenly fall ill with a devastating and life-limiting disease or experience a terrible accident, then it’s far better to have a policy in place to protect the financial security of your loved ones.

People simply put it off

Life insurance is one of those things that’s probably been on your to-do list for years, but it’s way down at the other end. While it’s always a good idea to buy a policy as soon as possible, if you’re over 60 then don’t sweat, you can take out a policy that best suits your needs, from whole life cover to fixed term cover – there’s something to suit every scenario.

Final Thoughts…

Do any of these reasons sound familiar to you? Ultimately, there are a variety of reasons why someone may not choose to take out life insurance, however, they certainly should! Even if you’re over 60, you can still get the cover you need to give you peace of mind and to ensure your loved ones have something too. Why not think about it – it’s never too late!

This is a collaborated post.

How we encouraged and protected our child’s dreams

My son Ben has the most wonderful, vivid, lively imagination. He creates fantastical worlds for us to live in. One day we’re slaying dragons, the next we’re farmers with 1,100 horses, most of which are named after his friends at school. I love his imagination, I think it’s something to be nurtured and encouraged; who knows, I might have the next Roald Dahl on my hands!

With his big imagination comes big dreams. Dreams of being a train driver, a cowboy, a farmer or a ninja. Sometimes a combination of things, like being a ninja scientist – there’s probably a need for at least one of those in the world right? I have no idea what he will be when he grows up, I just want him to be happy and to love what he does. He’s wanted to be a ninja scientist for a while now, so a few months ago we started sending him to “ninja school”, learning mixed martial arts. He really likes training and learning the moves, and he sees it as a step towards becoming a real ninja.

Post Office Life Insurance How we've helped our son reach for the stars, and beyond!

I see my role as a parent as being one of the people to guide him towards good things in life; teaching him to be independent and capable so when he’s grown up or I’m gone, he can carry on doing the good things and being the best Ben he can be. To me, parenting is about providing motivation, leadership and inspiration to my son. I’m confident that should I be beamed up by aliens tomorrow, there are enough good people around him to love and support him in this way, right through to adulthood and beyond.

The Post Office asked us to find out what Ben’s hopes and dreams were. Surprise surprise he wanted to become a ninja… (wait for it) …dog walker. Yes, you heard. Find out what some of his other dreams and ambitions are in this short but incredibly adorable video.

I do know that if he truly wants to move to Japan and devote his life to becoming a ninja, he will probably need more than a few weeks’ pocket money to see him through. Training ninjas cannot be done on the cheap. Should anything happen to me or his Dad, our Post Office Life Insurance should step in to meet all his ninja training needs and give us some peace of mind too.

As for being a dog walker, that’s a dream which can very easily be fulfilled, starting with our own pup, Penny.

Post Office Life Insurance - How we've helped our son reach for the stars, and beyond!

Being a mum, there’s so much for me to worry and fret about, although I try and be as laid back as I can so he doesn’t inherit my worries. Having life insurance is one less thing for me to worry over. Having life insurance which will help my son to follow his dreams is even better. Super ninja, or super dog walker, whichever dream he chooses to follow, I know he will be the best Ben he can be.

This post is in collaboration with the Post Office.