Tips for creating a cozy reading corner for kids

Bring out the bookworm in your little one! Tips on creating a reading corner

There’s nothing better than cosying up with a good book. Whether it’s a sunny day, a rainy day, a bedtime tale or an afternoon treat, reading is something all us mums and dads try to encourage with our children. Another way of encouraging reading is by creating a reading corner in your home.

Reading corners or nooks, or dens are the perfect place for you and your child to be whisked away into a magical land, head off into space or trek through the deep, dark jungle. Here you’ll find a few ideas of how you can create the perfect base camp for all your reading adventures.

Furniture rental

Furniture rental is becoming more and more popular in homes like yours and mind. The upshot of it is, you can choose from a wide range of stylish and unique pieces, or more homely, traditional furniture but don’t have the commitment of being lumbered with a sofa or unit that you no longer like six months down the line. If you’re interested in creating a reading corner for grown ups only then click here.

Tips for creating a cozy reading corner for kids

Make it cosy

The draw of a reading corner is not only the books, but it’s somewhere to relax and cuddle up with mummy or daddy. So, comfort is king. A big squashy armchair that’s big enough for both of you to snuggle up on would be ideal. If that’s not practical, then consider large beanbags with comfy pillows and throws. Try to limit distractions if you can, so avoid a reading corner where the TV is in earshot or visible.

Make it bright and welcoming

Reading is never dull, so where you read shouldn’t be either! Think colourful throws and cushions, a rug or funky lampshade. Whether it’s brightly coloured wallpaper or pieces of art that bring a burst of colour, your reading corner should be inviting and as exciting as the books you read together.


If your reading corner doesn’t have much natural light, don’t worry. Fill your reading space with light so no one has to squint during those gloomy evenings or dark, rainy mornings.


You’re going to need somewhere to store all those books, right? You need to make sure that the books are in easy reach of your little one; not too high or too low so you don’t end up tripping over towering piles of books. This is a great way to encourage independent reading; if the books are on display and easy to reach, your little one won’t be able to resist picking one up. It might encourage them to put it back afterwards!

Even if your space is small, you needn’t worry. Whether you’re reading in a special little reading corner, on a rug in the garden, on a bench at the park or sat together on the sofa, reading together is a huge part of any child’s development and it’s a great way for you to spend time together.

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