20 Questions to ask your children

Over the last few weeks on Facebook I’ve seen a lot of my friends asking their kids 20 questions. I’ve loved reading their answers, some of them are funny, some a bit weird, some a little bit sad, but all of them really interesting.

Shepherds Friendly have produced a ‘20 questions to ask your children’ worksheet to go though. We sat down this morning and gave our son a gentle grilling, asking him each of the 20 questions. It was an interesting and quite funny little family task, and one which would be a good thing to do again each year.

Here’s a video of me questioning our boy wonder, he was a bit sleepy and a little bit grumpy to begin with, but he soon got into the swing of things…

20 questions: His answers…

Q1. What is your favourite colour?

Q2. Who is your best friend?
Joseph (his cousin of the same age).

Q3. What is your favourite TV programme?
Paw Patrol (naturally).

Q4. What do you want to be when you grow up?
A Power Ranger, when asked which one he said Black Ranger.

Q5. What car do you want to have when you grow up?
Lots of thinking about this one, but he opted for a motorcycle – I think because the Power Rangers sometimes ride them.

Q6. If you could go anywhere in the world on holiday, where would you go?
He said Spain – we recently went there on holiday and had a really fabulous time.

20 questions Sol Katmandu Hotel, Majorca with Jet2Holidays

Q7. Do you want to get married one day?
Yes…to Sophie.

Q8. How many children would you like?
Errr… one. he said eventually.

Q9. What age are you when you become an adult?
He said 17, which is a very good guess.

Q10. What are you good at?
He said painting, I reminded him that he was good at lots of things, which he is.

Q11. If you had a superpower, what would it be?
Flyi…. running. He corrected himself. I would have accepted his first answer (flying). Running really, really, super, super fast. What a great superpower.

Q12. If you had one wish, what would it be?
He said loving, so I asked if he meant he would love and be loved right back, he said yes by you and pointed at me. This answer melted my heart a little bit.

20 questions

Q13. What do I do as a job?
He thought for a minute and said “writing” which pretty much sums it up.

Q14. What are you scared of?
The dark. Which is true, he hates the dark evenings now winter is here and he has to sleep with a light on. Hopefully he will grow out of it.

Q15. What is your favourite song?
Transformers Rescue Bots (theme tune).

Q16. What is your favourite class at school?
He said “eating” and when questioned he said eating fruit. I know he likes school and he enjoys learning. I did half expect him to say learning songs for the Nativity play, but clearly eating fruit is the highlight of his academic day.

Q17. What is something I always say to you?
I love you.

Which is true. I never want him to feel like I don’t love him or have time for him.

Q18. What is the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do?
He gave the slightly enigmatic answer of “be calm”. I’m not sure what he means by that, but I can only think it’s what someone at school says to the boys when they’re running around being giddy at school.

Q19. What makes you happy?

Q20. What makes you sad?
Scary things….like the dark.

I really loved some of his answers to these 20 questions. I think I know my son pretty well and I could have predicted most of these replies, but some of the others give an interesting insight into the mind of my six year old.

20 questions to ask your children

This post was in collaboration with the Shepherds Friendly Society who offer a range of savings plans including a Junior Isa