It’s not unreasonable to suggest that we love toys in this house. In the last three and a half years our house has slowly but steadily filled with all manner of colourful things to entertain our small boy. One thing we were dead set on was that where possible his toys should be pretty good quality, preferably wooden, durable and ideally they shouldn’t beep, sing, or play teeth-grindingly annoying tunes.
Alas some of those have found their way into his toy-box, but largely the things that entertain him most are his cars, his wooden kitchen, a Manchester United scooter (for shame) and his pride and joy, his BigJigs train set.
A couple of weeks ago we applied to be one of the BigJigs Play Patrol Agents and today we heard that we made it through to the final 21. Excited is not the word!
There’s no voting, so I’m not begging for your support, but I just wanted to share our collective joy and excitement. Whether we get picked or not we’ll still always be happy and loyal BigJigs fans. We should hear in the next few weeks or so, we’ll keep you posted, but please keep your fingers crossed. Exciting times.