Add Value To Your Home With These Garden Improvements

Last Updated on December 27, 2020 by HodgePodgeDays

Want to add value to your home? If you have a garden, a few simple alterations could help to make your home more appealing to buyers and could help to push the value up. Here are several garden improvements that could up the price of your home.

Get a shed

Having garden storage for tools and seasonal equipment is always convenient. The best form of storage is a shed – if you haven’t got a shed, adding one could make the most significant impact on your home’s value. Of course, you should ensure that your shed is well maintained and that it looks good. Opt for a quality material such as varnished teak or galvanised aluminium and apply a new cost of finish the moment it starts to look weathered.

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Switch to artificial grass

As nice as a real lawn looks, it may not have as much impact on your property’s value as artificial grass. This is simply because a real lawn requires more upkeep. The convenience of artificial grass and the fact that it always looks lush and green could make your home more attractive to buyers and it could help to push up the price.

Build a patio/decking area

Having a designated social area can also have an impact on your home’s value. This could be a patio or a decking area. Both a patio and decking are fairly big investments but you will make a return on them. Just make sure that they are professionally done – wonky decking or a patio with weeds growing out the cracks won’t do anything for your garden’s appearance and certainly won’t have a positive impact on your home’s value.

Fix up your fences

You may also want to consider the condition of your fencing. Broken fencing will bring down the appearance of your home, whilst fencing in good condition will likely wow buyers. Consider adding a fresh layer of paint before arranging a valuation. You could also consider adding decorative features like latticing.

Choose colourful plants

Colour can help to create vibrancy and can make your garden feel more exciting. When choosing plants, opt for bright yellows, deep reds and brilliant blues. Think of flowers like fuchsia, sunflowers and hydrangea. Position these plants strategically to make the biggest impact – consider the corners of your garden and consider adding hanging baskets on fences. This use of colour is likely to make a greater impression on buyers and could therefore push up the value of your home.

This is a contributed post.

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