How To Cope When Your Baby Is Struggling To Feed

Last Updated on May 24, 2023 by HodgePodgeDays

Having a new baby in the house can be magical and challenging in equal measure. While you’re probably bursting with love and excitement, you and your partner are probably also sleep-deprived and a little overwhelmed, trying to find a way to balance your baby’s needs with the requirements of daily life. If your baby begins to develop a feeding problem, it can be easy to feel stressed and anxious, especially if it’s your first child and you’re not sure what’s going on.

Feeding issues in babies are surprisingly common, affecting approximately 50% of babies before they reach six months old. Reflux is the most common complaint, but colic and constipation are regular culprits. As a result, you shouldn’t feel guilty or blame yourself if your little one is having struggles with their feeding.

growing up fast

Of course, it’s natural to become stressed and anxious about your baby’s welfare. To help you in this difficult time, here are some tips and techniques for how you can cope when you have a little one that is struggling to feed properly.

Seek Specialist Medical Support

While your health visitor may recommend a particular course of action for your infant’s feeding problems, it’s always best to seek the treatment and advice of a specialist paediatric physician.

For instance, if you live in or around the capital and you need an experienced paediatrician in London, you can make an appointment at London Medical. Their expert team of doctors and nurses will provide you and your baby with the highest standards of care and support as you navigate this tricky period in your infant’s development. They have experience with a wide range of paediatric conditions and complaints, including feeding issues ranging from allergies and intolerances to constipation and reflux.

When you and your baby are seen by London Medical, they can run a series of tests to diagnose the cause of your baby’s feeding battles and then devise a customised course of treatment to help them.

If In Doubt Go To A&E

Although it is likely that your baby’s feeding issues, while distressing, are not indications of anything serious, it’s still important to monitor them closely, especially if their symptoms begin to intensify.

If you have any doubts about the severity of your infant’s complaint, it’s crucial that you keep an eye on your baby. In particular, monitor them for any signs of respiratory distress or for other warning signs, such as if they suddenly become floppy or unresponsive.

If you see or hear anything that concerns you, it’s best to go to A&E as quickly as possible so that they can be checked outand taken care of.

Build A Support Network

Being new parents in the 21st-century is challenging enough at the best of times, but when your baby has a health problem of any kind, it can be even more difficult. As a result, while you’re helping your infant get through this tricky period, don’t neglect your own well-being or mental health.

Ask family members and close friends for support so you can get some much-needed rest and restore your equilibrium. Whether it’s cooking a few meals, doing some laundry, or even watching the baby so you can relax, having other people around to lend a helping hand can make a world of difference.

This is a contributed post.

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