Top Small Charities in Manchester That Need Your Help This Christmas

Last Updated on December 28, 2020 by HodgePodgeDays

For most of us, Christmas is a magical time. It involves get togethers with family, Christmas parties and over-indulging in festive treats. However, not everyone is lucky enough to be in a position to celebrate the festivities. As Christmas is a time for giving, why not choose to help those less fortunate than yourself and give to a local charity?

There are many small charities in Manchester which are in desperate need of help this Christmas. Below, you’ll discover just some of the charities in the area you can help.

Manchester People First

Manchester People First is an awesome charity ran by staff who have learning disabilities, to help those with learning difficulties. They advocate for the right of the disabled to have more control over their lives as well as to make more independent choices.

The charity is always looking for donations to help them provide a valuable and trusted service to those in need.


Mind is one of the largest mental health charities in the UK and its Manchester branch could always use a little help with funding. They enable people to help raise funds and awareness through sponsored challenges. You’ll receive a fundraising pack which will help you to organise your own fundraising event. Mental health problems affect millions of people each year and charities such as Mind are struggling with funding. So, what better way to help out this Christmas than to raise cash for this worthwhile charity?

Top Small Charities in Manchester That Need Your Help This Christmas


Another worthy charity you can help this festive season is Lifeshare. The charity works to help Manchester’s homeless people, providing practical assistance, information and support. They also run a kitchen on weekend mornings. So, you could either volunteer your time, or make a donation of blankets, food and towels. If you have the budget, you could even assist the kitchen, providing catering supplies to aid in feeding the homeless.

Mustard Tree

Finally, the Mustard Tree is dedicated to helping those living in Poverty throughout Greater Manchester. The charity estimates there are more than 600,000 people living in poverty in the area, with 91,000 of them being children. You can get in touch with them today to find out how you can help this festive season.

The above is just a small selection of charities in the Manchester area which need your help. Why not spare whatever you can this festive season to help those who really need it most?

 This is a contributed post.

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