Choosing Furniture That’s Great for Small Spaces

Last Updated on December 28, 2020 by HodgePodgeDays

Small spaces often present huge challenges when it comes to buying furniture and trying to make the space functional.

However, most family homes come with at least one ‘box’ room and inner-city flats that are advertised as being ‘bijou’ are often more cramped than stylish.

That said, there are some clever ways you can use your furniture to make the most of these spaces. Let’s find out how:

Find Multipurpose Furniture

If you can find furniture that has more than one function, that’s ideal. For example, if you opt for a sofa bed instead of a standard sofa, this creates instant sleeping space for your guests. Tables that work as desks, sideboards and dining room tables are also perfect.

Also look out for ottomans (seating and storage), foldable chairs (seats that are easy to stow away) and stackable tables (much-needed surface space that can easily fit away when not in use).

What’s more, this type of functional furniture doesn’t have to lack style either. For instance, there are a number of stunning benches available that create added seating for living spaces but some designs also come with handy storage underneath, too.

Choosing Furniture That’s Great for Small Spaces

Add a Mirror or Two

Mirrors are ideal for creating a spacious feel in any room, giving the illusion of more space. You can also add to this airy, light feel with see-through furniture and curtains, all of which enhance the room without detracting from the space.

Only Add Things That Have a Purpose

Unfortunately, while you may like that piece of furniture, small spaces don’t allow you to add items ‘just because’. Rather, you need to ensure the item is maximising your space and serving a purpose.

Chunky pieces can soon start to make a room feel lacking in space, so try to separate these items to create more flow. For example, one large circular coffee table may be too intrusive but two smaller round ones that are positioned side by side will give you far more space and won’t look too heavy for the room.

Be Creative

Ultimately, to make the most of any space, you need to get creative, figuring out how the space will work for your family.

Look for places where you can create more storage, store things away and create practical features. That little alcove that’s too small for any furniture may work wonders as a bookcase, for example. Just make sure there’s no space left doing nothing and these rooms will soon take on a new stylish, spacious look.

This is a contributed post.

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