Fun Activities to Plan for a COVID Safe Wedding

Last Updated on December 21, 2020 by HodgePodgeDays

Weddings are a celebration of love between two people and usually involve the couples closest families and friends during the day, with more friends being invited for the evening celebrations. More recently with Covid-19, weddings have been one of the main things to have been affected with restrictions changing and creating uncertainty for couples. It can seem daunting at the moment for anyone who has their wedding still booked, but there are plenty of things you can do to ensure that your guests have a fun and safe day.

The numbers of guests who are able to attend a wedding have changed recently from 30 down to 15 which understandably has put a lot of added pressure onto couples who have already had to change their plans. If you are determined to still go ahead with your big day then just remember that it will still be a fantastic day, just on the slightly smaller scale. You will still be able to have all the things you originally planned and with the number of guests being dropped it may allow you more budget for some extras that you didn’t think you could afford before, so try to look at the positives, and remember that the most important thing is that you and your partner are making a commitment to each other and this will be the start of the rest of your lives together.

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There are benefits to holding a smaller wedding and it doesn’t mean you have to compromise on quality. An intimate wedding has a more personal feel and can be a very cosy occasion. The main thing to remember is that it’s your day, and it should reflect what’s important to you both as a couple.

Be Creative

One of the main things you can do to ensure that your wedding is still an enjoyable day for you and your guests is to try to be creative. Your day may look slightly different to what you had originally imagined, but it can still be an unforgettable experience, it may just mean adapting some of your original plans to suit the current guidelines. There are plenty of unique suppliers that can create a fun experience for your guests, such as hiring a cocktail bar or even a photo booth.

Provide Face Masks For Your Guests

One way you can ensure that your guests are safe and adhering to current guidelines is to provide face masks for each of them to wear on the day. You could be creative with this and get them personalised or custom made ones that bring some fun and personality into the day. They could be left on each person’s seat for the ceremony, or given out to them as they arrive on the day.

Livestream Your Ceremony

With the limit of only 15 people at weddings currently and looking to be in place until March 2021, one great idea is to livestream your wedding to those family and friends that are unable to be there on the day. This is not only inexpensive so it won’t feed into your budget (it just needs a laptop and good WiFi connection), but it’s a fun way to keep your family and friends involved. You could really make them all feel part of it too by asking them to dress up as though they were at your wedding, but just in the comfort of their own homes! It might be a fun way to create some unique memories too by having some photographs of them on the livestream.

Unique Dress Codes

We understand that any weddings that are taking place at the moment are anything but traditional so why not go all out on this and incorporate a theme with your special day, something that your guests can have fun with. For example, have everyone wear colour or a specific item of clothing on the day. This will also create some really lovely photos that you will be able to look back on and remember your wedding that took place in a global pandemic!


With the current restrictions in place at the moment with weddings they are unable to continue past the first dance; however there are still ways to ensure that your guests are having fun during your day. Wedding breakfasts are still able to take place so this is an opportunity for you to perhaps have some live solo music playing in the background to entertain people whilst they eat. A good option for this is a pianist or even a string quartet could be an option.

You will still be able to decorate your venue how you would like and there are plenty of creative ways to decorate a venue to give it a more intimate feel such as incorporating room dividers that can be used if your venue is more suited to larger events. These can then be decorated with material or lighting to give the feel of a smaller, more intimate setting. You could also look at having some table games that people can play whilst in their ‘social bubbles’ between their courses.

Having a fireworks display at the end of your wedding breakfast is a great way to finish off your wedding day, and with the night’s drawing in earlier now this can be done sooner in the day. This is also a great way to ensure that people are outside in the fresh air and also socially distanced whilst watching the firework display.

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