How to Maintain a Long-Distance Relationship

Last Updated on December 27, 2020 by HodgePodgeDays

Long-distance relationships can be tough. It’s not easy spending days, weeks, and months apart when you love someone. Not surprisingly, many long-distance relationships fall apart under the strain. Physical distance soon becomes emotional distance, and before long, both parties are moving on.

Whatever your reasons for being in a long-distance relationship, whether it’s because of your job, family situation, or because you fell in love over the internet, here are some tips to help you keep the spark alive.

Today I learned a lesson about love...

Keep Talking

Communication is a critical part of any healthy relationship. Couples who don’t talk regularly soon drift apart. You don’t need to have heart-to-heart chats about the mysteries of the universe, but you should share details of each other’s day every day.

Make a point of keeping connected via messaging apps, so you can share little snippets of information and what you are up to. Talk on the phone as often as you can. Messaging apps are a poor substitute for an actual telephone call. If phone calls are expensive, which they can be when you live on different continents, use services like Skype and Whatsapp. It costs nothing to chat when you are using Wi-Fi, so you can talk all night long.

Video Calls

Make the most of video calls when you’re in a long-distance relationship. FaceTime is good if you have Apple devices, or you can try Skype and WhatsApp video calls. Spice things up by having naughty video chats. This is an excellent way to keep the passion alive between visits.

Send Surprise Gifts

Your lover will appreciate a thoughtful surprise gift out of the blue. You don’t need to wait for a special occasion to make them happy. Send them flowers or some chocolates to brighten up their day. A roses delivery is bound to cheer them up if they are having a bad day. Bonus points for sending a delivery of flowers to their workplace, as this gives them extra kudos with their colleagues. You can buy roses online USA from Pickup Flowers. The site offers lots of different bouquet combinations, including bunches of up to 100 roses! Go on, you know she will love it!

Other nice gifts include a subscription box for their favourite beauty supplies, or even a spa day voucher.

Book a Surprise Visit

A delivery of flowers is great, but why not go the extra mile and book a surprise visit? There is a lot that can go wrong with this plan, so cover all bases before you blow a fortune on flights or travel.

Speak to your partner’s workplace to make sure they are available. If you can, arrange for them to have some time off, but ensure they don’t find out.

Book your travel and surprise them at home or work. Imagine their delight when you show up with a huge smile and a big bouquet of flowers? It will be like Christmas came early!

Always try and have an end date if you are in a long-distance relationship, i.e. a date when you two can finally be together. Otherwise, it’s hard to keep things going indefinitely.

This is a contributed post.

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