How to Prepare for Christmas Early

Last Updated on September 7, 2022 by HodgePodgeDays

Fed up with the mad Christmas prep in the run-up to the holidays? This year, instead of desperately trying to get everything done last minute, get started with your planning now so that you can get everything taken care of and enjoy a stress-free holiday period. How can you go about doing this? Read on to find out.


A good way to start is by decluttering the home. The home becomes a very important space over the holidays as you will be spending a lot of time here, having guests over and also having less space with the tree, decorations and presents. Therefore, it is a good idea to get rid of anything that you don’t need, clean out your cupboards to make way for the Christmas food and deep clean the home so that it is ready for the holiday season.

Our Real Christmas Tree from Christmas Forest


One of the most stressful and time-consuming tasks during the holidays is sending out Christmas cards. You need to work out how many you will be sending and to who, find festive boxed Christmas cards to send to loved ones, write them and get them sent off. Instead of trying to get this done in one week in December, get started with the process now to give yourself plenty of time – you could even do just a few a week to spread out the task between now and the holidays.


Food is, of course, a major part of the holidays. Christmas is a time for mince pies, chocolate, crisps and nuts, cheese and wine, pastries and desserts along with the main event of Christmas dinner. Understandably, buying and making food for all of the social events over the holidays can be stressful, so you might want to start stocking up on supplies now (you can keep them in the attic to remove temptation!). You could even start to make some of the food for Christmas now and keep it in the freezer so that you have less to worry about on the big day. This can make cooking Christmas dinner a lot less stressful and should allow you to really make the most of the day without having to spend most of it hidden away in the kitchen.

Christmas can feel like a mad rush in December, which can take some of the enjoyment out of the holiday period. Therefore, starting your Christmas prep now is a smart move that will help you to get everything done with plenty of time to spare. This should also allow you to enjoy a more relaxing December and make the most out of the holidays by spending time with friends and family without worrying about the food, cards, presents and other key elements.

This is a contributed post.

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