Low Maintenance Garden Suggestions

Last Updated on December 29, 2020 by HodgePodgeDays

We all want a beautiful garden – somewhere to relax after a difficult day at work, and somewhere that enhances our home overall. However, the trouble is that most of us do not have the time to dedicate to our outdoor spaces. We assume that a gorgeous garden is hard work. Well, it does not need to be! Read on to discover some suggestions for a low maintenance garden.

Swap hedges for fences – While hedges can look beautiful, they also require a lot of upkeep. Once you stop looking after them to the level they demand, they become unruly and can be more of a hindrance to the style of your garden than enhancing it. This is why one of the best ways to make your garden a low maintenance one is by replacing your hedges with a fence. There are so many different styles of fencing available today, so this is a great way to add some colour and style to your outdoor area too.

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Use containers – Another tip for anyone that is trying to achieve a low maintenance garden is to plant in containers. This can be a huge timesaver, especially when it comes to weeding. After all, who really wants to spend their summer picking out the weeds in the garden when they could be sipping on a cocktail and reading a good book instead? Containers are also good for gardeners with reduced mobility because they are a more convenient height. Make sure you are careful regarding what you do plant in containers because of the more limited space you will have available.

Lose the lawn or go for artificial grass – One of the most demanding parts of any garden is the lawn. You have two options here. The first is to replace it with aggregate, decking or paving. However, for some people, this just doesn’t feel right! What is a garden without grass? Well, if that is the case, why not go for something like LazyLawn? High quality artificial grass like this will add the greenery you crave without requiring any effort or upkeep on your behalf.

Be selective – Last but not least, when it comes to plants you need to be selective. Choose conifers and shrub varieties that are not going to require a lot of effort on your behalf. Ferns, daffodils, and periwinkle are all undemanding species, which can add colour, height and texture to your garden.

As you can see, there are many different ways that you can ensure your garden looks amazing while not requiring a lot of upkeep on your behalf. If you follow the suggestions that have been presented, you will have a stunning garden without all of the hard work that people often feel needs to come with it!

This is a contributed post.

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