Making The Big Move With Little People

Last Updated on December 27, 2020 by HodgePodgeDays

For all the excitement that will naturally swirl your mind, moving home has the potential to be one of the most stressful times in your life. Unfortunately, the sources of stress become far greater when children are involved. So, if you are moving with your little angels, you’ll need to go big on planning and preparations.

Getting the preparations under control will save you time, money, and hassle in the long run. More importantly, it ensures that this transition is handled in a smooth and caring manner. Use the following checklist, and you won’t go far wrong.

#1. Know Your Finances

You will naturally want to put the kids first, you need to give yourself a winning platform too. With this in mind, appreciating the financial situation is crucial.

There are many hidden costs associated with moving, many of which you will have forgotten about even if this isn’t your first move. Experts like Quittance Conveyancing can put you on the right track. Help can be embraced through selling, buying, and every other element. In turn, this could save you thousands, which can be very useful as you bid to keep the kids happy.

Besides, financial worries are a huge stress. Removing those fears is vital.

Making The Big Move With Little People

#2. Think About The Future

When moving home, you’ll try to do your best for everyone involved. However, it’s important to have a little foresight and think about how the situation may change.

The need for space may increase if you have another child. Likewise, bigger kids will need their own spaces. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to buy the big house now. Still, it’s important to think about the possibilities of loft conversions and other upgrades. After all, you don’t want to face another move in three years.

While the present is crucial, you must not forget the future.

#3. Preparing Your Child Emotionally

Moving home is a big deal at any age. Nevertheless, it feels even more significant for children as they’ll be leaving everything they know behind. Including their friends as well as the surroundings.

Some tears and frustration are to be expected. However, you can soon remove those with promises of fun days out and exploring the new local area. If you are only moving a short distance, sleepovers and staying in touch with their friends can sweeten the deal too. Besides, modern tech makes it easy for them to maintain those friendships until they fizzle out.

If you show excitement and enthusiasm, it should rub off on your little ones.

#4. Get Rid Of Junk

Moving property is the start of a new chapter. You can ease your child into the transitional phase by slowly but surely removing unneeded items.

Hosting a garage sale or selling items online can generate some funds. Moreover, saying goodbye to old toys etc. prepares children for saying goodbye to the home. This process also creates valuable space around the property and reduces your workload when moving day arrives. For your sake as well as your child’s, this is hugely beneficial.

In fact, you should probably lose some of your unneeded items too.

#5. Let Kids Play A Role

If you truly wish to build excitement ahead of the move for all the family, everyone needs to be active in the househunting. If kids are left out, they can grow frustrated before the process starts.

No parent should let their child’s opinions carry too much weight, and you’ll have the casting vote. Still, many benefits can be gained from taking kids to viewings, as long as you trust them to behave. Above all else, seeing their potential bedroom could be the key to finally winning them over. However, you should only take them to viewings when you are serious about buying.

The last thing you want is to see your child become disillusioned with it all.

#6. Put Moving Plans In Place

There are plenty of potentially stressful moments during the process. In truth, though, moving day is the greatest risk by far. This is especially true when children are involved.

Taking the DIY approach may be possible when moving into a place alone. As a family, you have far too many products to transport. Moreover, moving requires a lot of attention. Using experts like Aussie Man & Van saves time, money, and hassle. Ultimately, this enables you to give children your full attention.

You can also break up the journey into sections.

#7. Buy A New Toy

Bribing children isn’t good. However, using a new toy to build some enthusiasm and encourage a mental association with the home and increased fun won’t hurt.

This is a great opportunity to purchase something that can encourage family time together too. This could range from popular garden games to a PlayStation VR headset. Either way, the new source of joy inside the new home will work wonders for months to come. A small surprise can go a long way, do not forget it.

Or, if it feels right for your family, getting a pet could be ideal.

#8. Think About School

Assuming that your son or daughter will move school, this is arguably the biggest routine change that they will face. Your role as a parent is to make it comfortable.

Speaking to school teachers and governors before your child’s first day is vital. Crucially, though, you must invest in the right uniform. There’s nothing worse than giving other children an opportunity to victimise yours. When your child settles into the new school quickly, the next chapter becomes far simpler.

This is the least that they deserve.

#9. Be Ready For Day One

The first night of staying in the new home can feel fairly alien. So, the least you can do is ensure that the space is comfortable for all the family.   

Having picked a professional moving company, the key furniture will be unpacked first. This can be supported further by having the broadband in place for day one. A few hours of Netflix will keep the kids quiet while you focus on making the home liveable for the next few days. Taking snacks and drinks is immensely important too.

If you can get through the first night in style, your confidence will significantly grow.

#10. Trust Your Instincts

As a parent, it’s easy to doubt yourself at every turn. In reality, your gut instincts will usually be right. Trust them.

This is a contributed post.

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