How To Modernise Your Home With 3 Additions

Last Updated on April 28, 2023 by HodgePodgeDays

Do you feel like your home décor is stuck in the past? It’s time to give your humble abode a modern facelift! Fortunately, modernising your home doesn’t have to break the bank. In this article, we’ll go over three easy additions that will bring your home into the 21st century.

New Lights!

One of the easiest ways to give your home a modern feel is by updating your lighting fixtures. Traditional light bulbs can make a room feel outdated and dull, but there are so many modern lighting options to choose from! LED lights are a great choice for modernising your home, and they can also save you money!

Elesi table lamp

This type of light is long-lasting, and you will be able to purchase them in a variety of colours and styles. You can also add smart lighting to your home, which can be controlled through your smartphone or smart speaker, allowing you to turn your lights on and off with a simple voice command or by using an app on your phone. It’s like living in a sci-fi movie, except it’s real life. The future is now.

Various Smart Tech

Speaking of the future, let’s talk about smart tech. We already mentioned smart lighting above, but there are other types of smart tech available, such as smart thermostats and smart speakers. The world is becoming more and more connected, and your home should be too.

You will be able to control these devices with your voice, a remote, or an app on your phone. In some cases, you may need to rewire your home in order to install smart tech. Before you are able to do this, it will be a good idea to have your electronics checked. You can contact experts such as Hexo Electrical Testing to test your current wires and ensure everything is prepared. At the end of everything, you will have a EICR certificate, which will also be useful for other purposes, such as selling your home or renting it out in the future.

Upgrade Your Furniture

If your furniture is outdated or worn out, it can make your home feel old and uninviting. To modernise your home, consider upgrading your furniture. There are many stylish and functional options to choose from, such as sleek leather sofas, minimalist coffee tables, and statement armchairs.

You can even mix and match different styles to create a unique look. For example, you could pair a mid-century modern sofa with a contemporary side table for a chic and trendy living room. This all comes down to personal taste, but you will be able to find plenty of inspiration online, and through local property listings, to find out what others do with furniture options.

Jazzing Up The Walls In Your Home

Modern Artwork

Finally, let’s talk about artwork. Artwork is a great way to add personality and style to your home, especially if you have some favourite pieces that you grew up loving. The art you hang up can also be a conversation starter and a way to express your creativity.

This is a contributed post.

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