Moving House in a Heatwave

Last Updated on December 27, 2020 by HodgePodgeDays

Most of us look forward to summer. Higher temperatures and more sunlight have many advantages. We can stay out in the garden later. Our kids get more time outside. We can go for fun picnics in the park or sit in beer gardens with friends and spend hours lounging on the beach. In summer, our utilities are cheaper, and we’re happier to eat salads and other healthy meals. Everything just seems easier and more fun when there’s a little sunshine. And, apparently (although, we’ve all heard this before) it’s finally on its way

But, while summer is lovely, heatwaves aren’t always as fun. When the weather gets so hot that life becomes uncomfortable, we get annoyed. We sweat more, sitting in the office or car isn’t pleasant. Our skin becomes sore, and it’s hard to sleep. We don’t feel like doing anything when it’s sweltering, but unfortunately, unless you were lucky enough to time your holidays just right, you have no choice. We don’t get extra time off just because it’s hot. Life doesn’t stop, and you have to go on as usual. 

moving home

For some, it’s even worse. Ideally, we’d all like to move house on a mild day, that’s warm, but not too sunny when there’s no rain or snow, but a very mild breeze to cool you down as you are carrying boxes. You certainly don’t want the risk of moving into a home that’s been so cold that the pipes are frozen, but nor do you want to walk into a furnace. However, that narrows things down rather a lot. There might be two days of perfect house move weather each year, and it’s highly unlikely that your house move would go through and progress to such a perfect schedule. So, how do you cope when it’s so hot that you can barely breathe, but you’ve got no choice but to get on with it and complete your house move?

Move into a New Build

If your sale is already complete and you are just waiting on a date, it’s too late. But, if you are just starting to think about a move, a new build can be much more comfortable, and not just on moving day, it will usually be cooler all summer and warmer all winter. Redrow Developments and other builders are creating homes with excellent insulation and other features that help them regulate their temperature. New builds are also typically roomier, with wider halls and more open rooms, which can be cooling and refreshing on a hot day. Older homes, without the same features, hold heat in and can feel warmer even than standing outside in direct sunlight.

Prepare the House

Sometimes, house moves don’t go exactly to plan. You’ll know someone that has spent the morning packing a van up, only to have to spend hours sitting in it waiting for the payment to clear so that they can pick their keys up. When this happens, you just have to move in there and then. 

But, it’s not always like this. In the ideal world, you’d pick your keys up at least a few days before you have to move. If possible, go and spend some time in your new house. Open all the windows and let some air in. If it’s been empty for a while and the weather has been warm, it won’t just be hot. It may also smell musty and stale, and it could be very dusty. Open the windows for a few hours, close blinds to shut the sun out and take some fans round ready for the big day. 

Get Plenty of Help

If your budget allows, hiring movers can make the day so much easier. They might pack the van up for you and unload it at the other end. Most will even move the boxes into the right rooms and help you to rebuild your furniture.

If that’s not an option, get other help. Enlist friends and family members to help where possible. The more people lifting and carrying, the less any one person will have to do, and the quicker it will all be done. 

Even if you can’t get people to help with the move, they might be able to look after kids and pets and start unpacking and building at the other end. Any help is significantly better than no help at all. 

Stay Hydrated

Moving is physically exhausting. There’s a lot of walking and heavy lifting, and even on a cold day, you’d need to drink a lot to stay hydrated. Take water bottles with you and keep sipping through the day. You might even want to put some in the freezer the night before, so that it stays cold for longer, or take a cooler box in the moving van. 

Rest When You Need to

Even if you have managed to move some things before the big moving day, it’s going to take a while. Hopefully, you can get everything moved in one trip, but even then with loading and unloading, it can be hours before you can even start unpacking. When it’s hot, it’s vital that you rest. Take a break, have a drink and lie down if you need to, even if it’s on the floor. 

Dress Sensibly

Light, loose layers and comfortable shoes are a must. Stick to cotton and other breathable materials and don’t wear anything that’s either tight or restrictive. 

Start Early

Ideally, you don’t want to be outside during the hottest part of the day. So, set an alarm and start packing the van very early in the morning, even if it means picking it up the night before. Then, hopefully, you’ll be in your new house before the sun is at its most potent. 

Prioritise What You Need

Unfortunately, the move isn’t finished when you finish unloading the van. There’s still plenty of unpacking to do. But it can wait, and so can the cleaning. Pack a first night box, with toothbrushes, PJ’s and other essentials, and build and make the beds. The rest can wait for another day. 

This is a contributed post.

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