Personality Traits Which Make A Great Teacher

Last Updated on December 28, 2020 by HodgePodgeDays

If you are looking for a new direction in your life and you are thinking of becoming an education professional, there are a few things you will need to think about. Being a teacher might seem like a walk in the park but it involves a lot of hard work, dedication and a huge amount of organisation. Here are some of the personality traits which you need that can propel you to becoming an awesome teacher.


When you are beginning with teaching you will notice that not all children are the same. There will be a lot of different abilities, learning paces and types of people who are in your class who require different methods to unlock their potential. You will need to have a huge amount of patience when dealing with certain members of your class and this will mean taking time out to have one on one sessions, to offer extra tuition and move at a slower place with your teaching to accommodate for them.

Personality Traits Which Make A Great Teacher

Ability to adapt

Teaching is always changing, and when you take on a teaching role you are actually being put in a big position of power which will allow you to do whatever you want and teach in whichever way you feel is right for the class. This means that you need to be able to adapt to new technologies, new methods and teaching in more than just the classroom. If you love to adapt to new environments and thrive on new things, you can really do this as a teacher.


When you become a teacher you are basically given the freedom to do whatever you want to do with your class. When it comes to creating lesson plans and activities for your students, you are the one who will be creating this work yourself. As long as you are moving at a decent pace with the curriculum you will be able to be as creative as you want with your lesson plans and this can make for a really fun and varied job. If you love to create new ideas and see things in a different way then this is ideal for you.

Fast learner

When you get into teaching through a masters of education you will need to be sure that you are a fast learner and that you are willing to put in the extra reading in your own time as the subject develops in the real world. If you want to be a success as a teacher you need to keep on growing your skills and knowledge every single year and never stop being passionate about your chosen subject path. This will allow you to give your students the best possible experience and make sure that they can appreciate everything about your subject.

Caring and empathetic

Being a caring individual is part and parcel of being a teacher. You need to care for your children you teach and be willing to help them with issue they are having with their skills and confidence. A lot of children suffer anxiety, so being able to empathise and work around this can make all the difference to a child who is struggling.

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