The Challenges of Parenting a Toddler

Last Updated on December 27, 2021 by HodgePodgeDays

Being a parent or caregiver to a toddler has challenges and rewards. Here are some challenges you can face, and ways to face each issue as it arises.

Getting Your toddler settled in their own bedroom

Getting your child settled in their own bedroom, so they will sleep in their own bed is difficult. Many parents, understandably, don’t like to hear their toddler crying out at night. Or if he or she insists on sleeping in your bed, it’s difficult to say no, but this gives the impression this is okay. Therefore, when you eventually try to reintroduce your child to independent sleeping and settling in their own bed, it will be more of a challenge.

One way of facing this challenge is by looking for toddler beds for little ones, to get the right bed, which your child will love. If they have a bed of their own that they love, find exciting and fun then they’ll be more likely to want to spend time there, and in time – settle themselves down to sleep. 


Encouraging them to eat foods they don’t like

If you struggle to get your toddler to eat healthy foods, try out several options and see if they prefer one healthy food over another. You can always try to introduce more healthy options in small amounts later.

You can also try to make their mealtimes fun with animal-shaped vegetable sticks, or bright colours, and food arranged to look like a smiley face.

Spending time together in the kitchen and letting them join in during the cooking process can push them to try new things and explore new flavours. If your little one has helped you make the meal, whether they’ve counted the ingredients or simply licked the spoon, the more likely they are to eat their meal. If you let your child see how much you enjoy cooking, this might help too.

Balancing education with fun

It’s natural to want to give your toddler the best start, and educational toys and books help to do that. However, don’t put too much pressure on your child. Other parents may make this feel like a contest by proudly announcing a new word their child learnt or any other achievement, but children learn at their own pace. Your toddler is growing and exploring and will learn in their own time. Some gentle encouragement can help, but it’s important they have fun too.

Finding time for yourself

It’s not selfish to crave time for yourself. A little time to do something you enjoy, or to see grown-up friends and have a conversation that doesn’t revolve around your toddler, can be beneficial to both of you. Recharging your batteries lets you be more available for your toddler when they need you. Spending time with your partner while a babysitter takes care of your child, will also help you become a closer family, as you’ll be more likely to agree when making decisions about your toddler.

Raising a toddler has its challenges, and sometimes, these make it difficult to see the rewards and achievements. Making these issues less of a challenge can make you more able to appreciate the best aspects of being a parent.

This is a contributed post.

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