What’s on our Travel Bucket List for 2019?

Last Updated on December 28, 2020 by HodgePodgeDays

Now my son is older, he’s much more portable and excited by travel than he ever has been before. Traveling with him is a joy and planning to travel with him is almost as much fun, pouring over maps and reading up about the places we’d like to visit. We have plans for 2019, exciting plans.

What’s on our Travel Bucket List for 2019?

Scandinavia – The boy has cultivated a bit of an interest in the Nordic countries. He’s heard us tell stories about our honeymoon in Sweden and our wintery break in Norway and he wants a piece of the action, and who can blame him? We quite fancy springtime in Copenhagen and I’d really like to drive across The Bridge.

North Devon – Summer always washes us up in North Devon. It’s where we are happiest and most comfortable. It’s such an easy place to holiday for a few weeks, weather permitting.

What's on our Travel Bucket List for 2019?

Majorca – Despite our love of UK holidays, my old bones crave the sunshine. We’ve taken to having a winter sunshine break and Majorca is something of a favourite destination of ours. The short flight and beautiful resorts are really appealing to us. Long stay holidays somewhere like Majorca would be perfect, especially during the winter months for me.

Glamping – We’ve recently returned from a glamping trip in the Lake District. The weather may not have been perfect, but we are total yurt converts now and very much looking forward to going glamping again in 2019. But do we fancy another yurt, or maybe a tree-house, bell-tent or shepherds hut?

Family Festivals – We love going to family festivals. Both the Just So Festival and Timber Festival are favourites of ours. The boy is already making plans for our Just So costumes.

What's on our Travel Bucket List for 2019?

Northern Lights – The one big trip I would really, really like to take next year is a cruise to go and see the Northern Lights with maybe some whale watching thrown in. I’ve always wanted to see the Northern Lights and if I could see it with my boy, then hat would be the best thing ever.

A Spa Break – I like to go on a couple of spa weekends each year. I love a visit to the spa with friends and a couple of days pampering does me the power of good. I like adult only, quiet spa hotels in the middle of nowhere, where you can just relax and unwind.

What’s on your travel bucket list for 2019? 

This is a collaborative post.

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