Are Your Windows Ready For Winter?

Last Updated on December 30, 2020 by HodgePodgeDays

With Christmas nearly upon us and the romantic notion of a sprinkling of snow filling our hearts and making us feel all arm and fuzzy inside, you’d be forgiven for not giving your windows a second thought this winter. While debate rages about the optimum temperature at which to set the thermostat, you need to ensure that your home is ready to withstand the winter elements. Your windows are one of those sneaky little areas where random drafts can suddenly spring to life leaving a cold chill in the air no matter how high the heating is. Take a look at how you can give your windows a bit of a health check-up and see them recover in time for the colder weather.

Get Them Sealed

It goes without saying that if there are some unsightly gaps between the frame and the pane you are at risk of condensation and drafts. Get your windows sealed and caulked. By doing this, you are minimising any opportunities for warm air to escape your home and cool air to enter it. Simply head to each window in your home and inspect them for cracks, holes and divots. You may have to remove the caulking and give it a whole new resealing treatment, or you may be able to just fill in the gaps.

Are Your Windows Ready For Winter?

Show A Bit Of Flair

You’d be surprised at how a dressed window is more energy efficient than a bare one. If you have a knack for interior design, consider some fine drapes for your windows or take a look into some thick curtains. The fabric will act as an insulator and keep more cold air from entering the home. If you fancy a more modern look, why not view all blinds on the market. You could select from roller blinds, wooden blinds or even go to town and get some bespoke made to measure blinds for your humble abode.

Window Pane Clear Film

Simply by adding another ultra-thin layer of insulation onto your window panes in the form of clear window film, you will be able to regulate the core temperature of your home more easily. They not only help to keep the warm air within in your home, but they also strengthen your window panes, so if it’s particularly blustery or stormy you have an added level of protection for your property.

The Glazing

If you have single glazing adorning your windows, it’s time to consider moving into the twenty-first century and opting for some double glazing. This way, your energy bills will reduce as your home loses less heat and sustains a constant temperature. If you live in a cottage or home that must abide by regulations that state you can’t change the facia of your home, you can still add some internal shutters or internal glazing to try and mimic the effect of a double glazed window.

The windows of your property can make or break the comfort you manage to achieve in your home this winter. Begin getting your home ready for the cold snap by giving your windows the health MOT they deserve.

This is a contributed post.

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