Writing Your First Book? These Tips Will Help You to Get Rid of Writer’s Block

Last Updated on February 28, 2023 by HodgePodgeDays

It’s common to get stuck when writing your first novel. You may have a great idea for a novel, screenplay, blog post, short story, or screenplay, but you just cannot seem to get started for some reason. You might feel lost entirely or be trying to rewrite your first draft without much success. If you are facing this, you are typically facing what is commonly known as writer’s block. This is a fairly common state that affects writers worldwide. This article will discuss a few tips to help you overcome writer’s block and get your voice back again so you can feel excited to write again.

Writing Your First Book? These Tips Will Help You to Get Rid of Writer's Block

Take a 20-minute Break

Not finding the words is one of the most frustrating things when you are trying to write your first book. Although, you may think that taking a long break at this point would be beneficial, on the contrary, it might remove you from the project entirely. The experts say that taking short breaks is the best way to overcome writer’s block.

During this time, you should focus on something that is not related to your writing and make sure to limit your break to around 20 minutes. Instead, you listen to music, take a quick walk, or chat with a family member or friend during this break. This way, you can clear your mind and gain a fresh perspective to start writing again.

Have A Brainstorming Session

You can brainstorm your way out of a creative block. Brainstorming creative ideas can take you out of a block if you let the ideas flow freely. You need to get as many ideas as possible without editing them. Start brainstorming a list of potential plotlines and topics is a good idea. You must keep the ideas flowing.

After this, you will have a list of potential ideas that you will need to narrow down by choosing the best one according to your requirements. Of course, none of the ideas that came up during the brainstorming may be quite right according to your needs. Nevertheless, the process of brainstorming will help to get the wheels turning again to jump-start your creativity.

Take A Writing Class

An effective way to overcome writer’s block is by enrolling in a writing class where you can access materials that will help you to learn new approaches and techniques. In addition, you will be surrounded by fellow writers in a writing class who will help you to reach new productivity levels. Make sure to select a course conducted by a qualified instructor who can provide you with the right tools. You can also look for a guide to writing a book in online stores; they will also be effective in getting your creative juices flowing again.

Set Deadlines By Creating a Writing Schedule

A simple yet effective way to overcome writer’s block is to create a writing schedule. You can train your brain to be more efficient and creative when you have to start writing if you allocate a specific time for writing. If you have a fixed schedule, it will be easier for you to remain accountable and on track. However, it might become challenging to stick to the schedule that you have devised for various reasons. In such cases, you need to set smaller, easily achievable goals, such as completing a page a day or writing for 15 minutes daily.

Consider setting deadlines for each chapter or scene. You must allow yourself a level of flexibility. You should be able to move your writing session to a different time if you are having a challenging day.

Watch a Movie or a TV Show on the Similar Topic

Immersing yourself in the genre of your writing topic is a great way to overcome writer’s block. Watching a movie or a TV show on the same topic allows you to comprehend the conventions of the given genre better. This way, you can use them more easily in your own work.

Reading a comic or a book in the same genre also serves the same purpose as playing a video game on it. Doing this will allow you to know more about cliches and tropes that often appear in the genre, and you can avoid using them while writing.

Engaging in the content of the genre you are writing about allows you to familiarize yourself with the genre. This way, you learn how to remain within the boundaries while writing but still produce something original that the readers will find engaging.

Work With a Writing Buddy

Working with a writing buddy can be helpful if you are facing writer’s block. A writing buddy can give you feedback and help by bouncing around ideas. In addition, you can make the ideas more concrete by telling someone about them aloud. If you find someone with whom you can talk about your writing, you will feel less alone and more motivated to move ahead. Feeling stuck while writing? Reach out to a friend and ask them to be your writing buddy to get your creativity jumpstarted.

Summing Up

As someone who has sat down to write the first book, no matter if it is a children’s book, or a novel for adults, you must remember that the words don’t always flow. So follow these methods if you face writer’s block and get your creative juices flowing in no time.

This is a contributed post.

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