Is Disneyland Paris on your list of things to do in France?

If you’re planning a trip to France, there are a lot of things you’re probably hoping to see and do. But on your next trip away, never forget that it’s important to stop, take in some magical attractions, and have a little bit of fun in the process!

And if you’re eager enough to plan ahead, there are cheap Disneyland Paris tickets for you and the family to experience a lifetime of memories without having to break the bank! 

Here are just a few of the reasons why Disneyland Paris should be top of your list when it comes to visiting France. 

Disneyland Paris

The magic and majesty 

What’s more beautiful than spending time with the people you love most in the world at a magical theme park in the world’s most romantic city? There’s no other experience like it for spectacular fireworks, awe-inspiring sights, fun and thrilling rides, and lifelong memories.

That combination of European surroundings, romance and classic Disney characters is impossible to describe to people who haven’t experienced it yet. It’s just something you have to embrace and feel for yourself! 

Your Disney dreams come to life 

A visit to Paris just wouldn’t feel complete without paying a visit here and indulging in the whimsical feel, incredible attention to detail, and stunning features that are put into creating this fascinating place. 

Disney tales are timeless, and this has led to the creation of a truly magical destination that gives your entire family a warm feeling inside that never leaves. And what is that warm sensation? It’s the feeling of your childhood dreams coming to life!

Perfect for Disney lovers of all ages

Disney Paris has a lot to offer the kids, and you can rest assured that no child ever leaves this magical place without taking a little bit of that magic back home with them. But that doesn’t mean that it’s catered to children only. After all, Disney is for people of all ages across the world!

A wonderful combination of new favourites and classic original characters are found across this magical kingdom. And when you and your family take in the famous Disney Magic on Parade, you’ll instantly feel young again!

Meet your favourite characters

We’ve all dreamed about what it would be like to meet our favourite Disney characters, and now you don’t have to daydream about it! Instead, you and your children can pose for selfies and fun professional photographs with some of the most iconic characters in movie history! 

From parades and sing-a-longs to live shows that take you by the hand and lead you through the history of this magical place, you’ll be up close and personal with some of the world’s most famous animated characters!

Breathtaking shows and attractions 

From the stage shows and songs to the huge range of rides and attractions, there’s never a dull moment in the world of Disney. The dazzling colours and iconic film-inspired rides full of twists and turns will ensure that little princesses and big kids who love a thrill ride will all get something they love here. 

This is a contributed post.

5 Financial Lessons You Should Know Before You Turn 30

Throughout life it is important that we have a good understanding of our finances so that we can save for our future. While you should always be financially aware, turning 30 is a real landmark and many people consider it to be the age when you finally reach adulthood. There are so many articles online that list certain things you need to do before you turn 30, but often these articles fail to give out any financial advice. If reaching 30 is truly the mark of becoming a ‘proper adult’ then you need to start learning more about finance and what things, you can do to improve your chance of a successful future. In this article, we will go over five different financial lessons you should know before you turn 30, so keep on reading if you want to find out more.

Learn How To Make Budget

One super important financial lesson you need to learn in life is how to properly budget. Being able to make a proper budget and then being able to stick to it is an extremely valuable lesson that you should learn before you turn 30. While the concept of making a budget may seem like an easy task, when it comes to factoring all of your outgoings and putting money into savings, it can get a bit trickier. When creating a budget, the first thing you need to do is write down a full list of all of your incoming and outgoing. Then you should jot down how much money you want to put in your savings account and start working out your fun money for the month. Your fun money will count all things like going out to eat, drinks, clothing etc. Although you are making a budget, you should still allow yourself some fun money for a month as you still want to have fun.

money cash pounds

Be Aware Of Your Options

Another thing you need to be aware of before you turn 30 are the financial options available to you. Many people assume that unless they have the best credit and lots of savings, they will not be able to save and buy something like a house. Buying a house is a dream for a lot of people, and a lot of people want to buy one before they turn 30. The idea that you have a good credit score can put people off, but you can still get a mortgage even if you have bad credit. Bad credit mortgages from Money Nest make it super easy for people who have poor credit to apply and get accepted for a mortgage. This could be a great option for people who want to buy a house but are worried about their credit score.

Don’t Spend Your Whole Paycheck

When payday comes around, and you see that money in your bank account, it can be very tempting to spend it all at once. However, a good financial lesson to learn is to spend about 90% of your paycheck and then save the 10%. This is a super easy tip that can help you save a lot of money each month, so it could be worth trying and seeing if it works for you. Of course, not everyone is privileged enough to be able to save some of their paychecks, but if you think you could live off of the 90%, then why not give it a go for one month and see if you can manage.

Create Some Financial Goals To Aim For

Having some financial goals is a great way to manage your money and start putting money away. If you are just spending aimlessly, then it can be tricky to start to save as you have no real goal to aim for. So, if this is the case for you, then it would be a good idea to sit down and work out your financial goals. It could be that you want to buy a house, or you want to purchase a new car Whatever your goals are for saving, make sure you have them clearly in place as this will give you something to work towards.

Split Your Savings Into Categories

Often, when people put money into savings, they pile it into one melting pot and then dip it into it whenever they need it. While this may work for some people, it could be more useful for you to split your savings into different categories instead. Having the different categories will help you manage your money better as you can clearly see how much money you have saved for each category. If you find that you struggle with saving in general, then it could be helpful to use an app instead, as it will do all the heavy lifting for you. Apps can be very helpful as they can sort out everything for you, so if you aren’t great with finances, then this is a good option for you.

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4 Reasons Your New Family Car Should Be an EV

The summer months are finally here and it’s time to take the family on a few road trips to enjoy the warm weather you’ve waited so long for. However, if you’re worried that the old family car just won’t do well on the open road for any great distance, perhaps it’s time to consider a new family car. Whether you choose a second-hand car that will be new to you or a new model off the lot, the one bit of advice you can be given is that it’s time to consider an electric vehicle, EV.

There are all different sizes and models to choose from and if you have it in mind to get an SUV, no worries there! Some of the nicest EVs on car lots today are SUVs that can accommodate a family of five or six quite easily. Now then, if you are wondering why it is time for an EV, here are four reasons to contemplate.


1. Petrol Is at an All-Time High

So many families are concerned with electric car costs without considering just how much it takes to run a vehicle that uses petrol or diesel. A recent article from BBC online posted that it now costs more than £100 to fill the average family car. It is a record high and global economists don’t see prices dropping any time soon. However, that doesn’t seem to relieve worries about the cost of EVs in the UK or elsewhere. Actually, a very informative article on the ElectriX website outlines the costs of EVs, new and used, which are not nearly as expensive as many people fear. In fact, when the savings on petrol are factored in, EVs are actually less expensive than their petrol or diesel counterparts.

2. Staying Ahead of Government’s 2030 Legislation

Then there is the fact that in just a few years, it will be virtually impossible to buy new model petrol cars in the UK. This legislation passed just over a year ago and is fully backed by Boris Johnson as it was by his predecessor Theresa May. The previous ruling set the year 2040 as the date when car lots could no longer sell new model cars powered by petrol or diesel, but Prime Minister Johnson was a bit more ambitious when promoting moving that date forward a decade. Needing a new car at this time could be a blessing in disguise!

3. A Lesson in Sustainable Living for the Kids

Your children have been studying sustainable living in school and one of the areas covered is in reducing our dependence on fossil fuels. In some grades they begin learning about the Net Zero deadline of 2050 and how the UK is a world leader in alternative power sources like the windmill farms on coastal areas of the country. With charging stations throughout the country, it is evident that this is the way of the future and a major attempt to reduce our use of fossil fuels when there are alternative sources of power available.

4. Motivation to Go Solar for Your Home

On a more personal level, buying an EV at this time might just spur you into action for going solar to power your home. Prices are less than 50% of what they were just two years ago and by the time you factor in savings on electricity for the home and power for your EV, it makes sense to invest in both solar and EV technology at the very same time. In fact, a charging port for your home is less than £500 and if you finance your solar panels and charging port, you will still be paying less than you would for electricity for your home and petrol for your car. Here again, it’s a hands-on lesson in sustainable living all because of your need for a new vehicle at this time.

Putting It All Together

While there may be an immediate investment needed to purchase an EV and a solar power system for your home, the savings you will realise over time will more than compensate for that initial expense. Isn’t it time that you considered a long term investment that will begin offering savings in just a short period of time? If petrol prices continue to rise as has been predicted in the UK as well as abroad, you might actually be breaking even at this time with the intent of major savings in the near future.

There is no reason to worry that you won’t find a model suitable for your family needs and no reason to think that you are limited to new models on the lot. You can choose used EVs as well as new models and most dealers will work within your budget for you. Do yourself a favour and check out EVs before you lock yourself into a car that will cost a small fortune to run.

This is a contributed post.

What Can I Buy My Female Partner?

There may be an adult woman in your life who is more special to you than all others. When her birthday is coming up, a holiday season is approaching, or you simply want to show her you care, your mind might turn to a number of gifts. However, giving some real thought to the things she likes, wants, or even needs could allow your gift to be more cherished. In saying this, it can be important, when buying presents, not to attempt to use gifts as a means of gaining affection or covering up issues.

If you have been with your partner for some time, have children together, or even have known them as a friend for many years before becoming involved romantically, you might want to buy an engagement ring as a gift to them. This can help to solidify your feelings and show them that you want to be with them permanently. Before purchasing, you may want to figure out if marriage is something that your partner is interested in. Even if they do not have it as one of their life goals, an engagement ring can still possibly be used as a sign of commitment and devotion. If they do want a wedding, you may then need to prepare for further planning and expenditure.

How to keep a long distance relationship going during Covid-19

Another idea you may want to consider for a gift for your partner can be a more personalised gift. This could involve something that has the location of your first date, your names, or even a photo of you both. Personalised gifts can be useful as they might show the amount of effort you have put into purchasing something, as well as how much you value your time together. You may want to do a bit of research before buying such an item as, for the most part, if you have added any extras, you may not be able to return the item, or get a refund, if it is not to your partner’s tastes, as they would be unlikely to be able to sell it on.

Rather than buying a physical item, you could instead plan and pay for a wonderful experience for you both. This could align with some of your pre-existing interests, such as history, art, culture, sports, adrenaline, and even food. You may also want to turn this into a mini-break to really be able to enjoy where you go. Opting for a romantic experience break could also be a good idea, especially if the purpose of your gift is to reiterate just how much you love her.

Buying a gift for your female partner doesn’t need to involve anything grand or overly expensive, unless, of course, you want it to. It can be more about putting all of your thoughts and feelings about her into the form of something that you hope she will love. For some people, buying gifts can be a means of showing the love they have for a person, so you may want to take your time so that they will be well received.

This is a contributed post.

4 Personal Health Improvement and Beauty Items to Include In Your Budget for 2022

Are you working on your 2022 budget? Are you currently trying to figure out what to prioritise in terms of expenses when it comes to personal health improvements and beauty items? Because you probably can’t purchase every product on the market that catches your eye, it makes sense to set your priorities, figure out what areas you want to improve upon and do some research.

As for what’s trending and what’s popular, here are four personal health improvement and beauty items that you may want to include in your budget for 2022.

How To Stay Young While Stepping Into New Year

Heated Hair Straightening Brush – Get a Professional Look At Home

For women who tend to rely on a salon visit to achieve the perfect blowout, a heated hair straightening and/or smoothing brush could be the smartest item you purchase in 2022. Within just a few uses, the brush will likely pay for itself, as visiting the salon regularly isn’t cheap.

There are a couple of different types of heated brushes. Some act like a curling iron and are to be used on dry hair whereas others combine the functionality of a hairdryer with a straightening iron thereby cutting down the amount of time it takes to style your hair.

Be sure to think about the length of your hair, the type of hair, and the thickness of it when selecting the right hot tool. It’s also wise to use a heat protectant spray on your hair before using the hot brush. This will help to prevent heat damage from occurring.

Some of the features you may want to look for in one of these brushes include:

  • Ceramic plated brush, it’s gentler on the hair
  • Various heat settings
  • Easy and lightweight to hold
  • It is fast to heat up
  • It is fairly quiet when in use (this applies to the blow dryer style brush)

Be sure to read the instructions carefully before using the hot tool and follow them correctly.

Clear Teeth Braces – Get a Perfectly Aligned Smile

If you find yourself feeling self-conscious about your teeth because they aren’t perfectly aligned, you may be resigned to just dealing with it. Here’s something you may not know, however, and that’s the fact clear braces/aligners are more cost-effective than you may think.

You can visit places like Straight My Teeth for information on how do braces work in terms of the clear aligners, and see for yourself how the pricing works. Clear braces are much more affordable than traditional metal braces and they are discreet. The company sends customers an impression kit to get started so you get a customised solution.

At-Home Laser Hair Removal – A Simple and Cost-Effective Solution

Right now, you probably fit in one of two categories when it comes to hair removal, you are either using trimmers and razors at home or you’re visiting a professional laser hair removal technician to have it removed. So what if you could combine professional results with the ease of at-home application? That is exactly what the at-home laser hair removal devices are meant to do. There are also huge cost savings by doing it at home rather than paying at an expensive salon.

The way laser hair removal works is that the laser is pinpointed at the individual hair follicle and the light destroys it. This will take several treatments to complete, but when you’ve got a device at home it’s not a big deal.

So what is different about the at-home devices? They use a much lower amount of energy output. They are still effective, but they are also a lot safer to use – especially considering the average person won’t have experience with a laser removal device. Just be sure to read the instructions well before using them, and take your time. Reading online reviews can also help to direct you to the best device on the market.

Facial Steamer – Improve Your Skin’s Appearance

The final personal health/beauty product worth investing in for 2022 has to be a facial steamer. These provide instant results and will make your skin look as if you’ve just had an ultra-expensive professional facial at a spa.

By using steam on your face, you will open up the pores, which then allows you to get rid of the dirt and oil that can build up in them. Over time, it will also help to get rid of blackheads. The overall results are smaller pores, clearer skin, more hydrated skin, and even blood circulation is improved. Results will also be cumulative in that your skin will continue to improve over time with continued use.

Why Not Make 2022 the Year You Treat Yourself

As you look to your budget for 2022 and start planning out purchases, you may want to set aside a little money that can be used to treat yourself. All of these items are well worth the investment.

This is a contributed post.