Living Arrows: My Smiler of the Week

Last Updated on September 25, 2017 by HodgePodgeDays

My son is known for his smile; in particular his huge dimples which if you fell into you may never be seen again. He is a smiler. A smiley boy and I hope the world never sees fit to wipe the beautiful smile off his face.

Last week at school he was awarded “Smiler of the Week”. This is not as you may think an award for just having a lovely smile. It is something you get nominated for if you’ve done something particularly kind or helpful that week. 

Back to School with Debenhams School Uniform

We will never know what he did that was kind or helpful. He either can’t remember or if he can he’s not telling. But whatever it was, it was good enough for him to win the award and stand up in front of the school to receive his round of applause. 

I really like the fact that his school celebrates kindness and helpfulness. If the world was a kinder, more helpful place wouldn’t it be wonderful?

If I can blow our own trumpet for a paragraph or two; one of the things we have really focused on at home is kindness and consideration. I feel like I’m a kind person with lots of empathy. Whilst that can mean I do sometimes get taken advantage of, it does mean that in many ways my life is richer for the kindness I show and share with others. 

I didn’t want to raise a child who would barge through life running roughshod over other people and being unsympathetic to their feelings. People often comment on how kind and helpful he is. I am so pleased that it’s evident to other people too. As some wise owl once said “Manners cost nothing, but get you everything”.

Ordinary Moments: Smiler of the Week

I just want him to be a decent human being. In a world which seems to be increasingly full of tyrants and darkness, a little bit of kindness can go a long way.

Well done Ben. You’ve made me so incredibly proud of you, my Smiler of the Week!

Living Arrows

2 thoughts on “Living Arrows: My Smiler of the Week

  1. Well done Ben ! I try to teach my children kindness above all else too. It’s such an important quality to have and can make such a difference to someone else’s day x

  2. Oh what a gorgeous little boy you have! I always try to teach the children to be nice and kind too – that means more to me than anything else. He looks so much like you in that photo! x

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