Last Updated on October 24, 2022 by HodgePodgeDays
This week I’m taking part in a a Blog Tour Week. If you’ve never heard of a blog tour, it’s where a group of book bloggers are sent a book to read and review and each day one of them shares their review. Yesterday I posted my review which you can find here, today I have a real treat to share with you.
The author of the brilliant book, Elephants on Tour: A Search and Find Journey Around the World; Guillaume Cornet has kindly offered to show me, and you how to draw three of the elephants characters from Elephants on Tour, so I’ll hand you over to Guillaume…
Hi, I’m Guillaume – author and illustrator of Elephants on Tour. For my new book I spent hours meticulously drawing 16 incredible cities around the world – adding in my favourite elephant friends for you to search and find in each scene! Today, I’ll be showing you how you can draw three wacky elephant characters of your own. Let’s get doodling!
Here’s how to draw the elephant with the dog…
And the elephant with the snake…
And finally, the elephant driving the car…
Elephants on Tour: A Search and Find Journey Around the World is absolutely beautifully drawn. It’s not word heavy, but it’s exactly the kind of book which will keep the kids engrossed for ages; searching out all the little details and learning a little about what other countries are like.
My son loves maps and atlases, so Elephants on Tour is a really fun way to add some extra interest to his reading. Following the five elephants around the world on their adventures is great fun and it’s just a brilliant book, especially if you like searching out little details, and elephants of course!
Elephants on Tour: A Search and Find Journey Around the World by Guillaume Cornet costs £14.99. It’s published by Laurence King and it is available from a wide range of bookshops.
For more information about the Blog Tour or to download some colouring sheets and other resources, click here.
This looks like a gorgeous book, I love the elephant drawing instructions too, he makes it look easy but I don’t think it is!