Crafts: Easy Paper Plate Remembrance Poppies

At home we’ve been doing some reading about Remembrance and one afternoon this week we got the paints out and made some Paper Plate Remembrance Poppies.

This year is an especially poignant Remembrance Day as it marks 100 years since the end of the First World War. We’ve been really impressed with some of the crafts which the local schools have been making. One even made their own weeping window which was very well done. There have been individual poppies, poppy wreaths and all kinds of lovely tributes. Here’s how we made our paper plate poppies.

Crafts: Easy Paper Plate Remembrance Poppies

How to make Paper Plate Remembrance Poppies

You will need:

A small paper plate
Red paint
A black button or a black foam circle
Bostik Glu Dots

Crafts: Easy Paper Plate Remembrance Poppies

How to make your paper plate Remembrance Poppies:

Take your paper plate and cut out four triangle pieces to form petals. You might want to shape the edge of the petals with the scissors a bit. I thought some of my edges were a little angular, so taking a minute to shape them really helped.

Paint your plate with red paint and leave to dry.

Once dry, using the glu dots, glue the button or foam circle to the centre of the poppy. Your poppy is now complete.

If you’d like you could sellotape a green stick or a straw to the back of the poppy and put a few of them in a vase. Or make a few of them into a poppy garland or make a poppy field display of them.

They’re a really sweet thing to do with children, they’re incredibly simple to do and a nice craft to do at this time of the year. I think it’s important for everyone including children to understand why we wear a poppy to remember, you can read more about the poppy on the Imperial War Museum website.

Crafts: Easy Paper Plate Remembrance Poppies

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