My Sunday Photo 19.6.16

By any stretch of the imagination it has been a turbulent week. I’m riddled with anxiety and the news and the current political climate isn’t helping. The awful, awful murder of Jo Cox MP this week has shaken me to the core. By all accounts she was a lovely woman who fought for the underdog and loved her babies above and beyond anything. It doesn’t make any sense to me.

This week I’ve wanted to pull my baby closer to me, to protect him from everything evil in the world and to hug him until he really understands how much I love him. Because anything could happen to any of us at any moment.

I was fiddling about with my camera whilst the boy was getting ready for bed. I snapped a couple of pictures just to test the settings. The boy started posing, he was pulling the most incredible smiles he rarely flashes for the camera these days.

Quite by accident I took this rather lovely father and son picture, which seems fitting because today is Father’s Day. It’s not technically brilliant, but it’s very them and I love it.

My Sunday Photo 19.6.16

Happy Father’s Day xx

16 thoughts on “My Sunday Photo 19.6.16

  1. The state of the world in general is quite worrying at the moment isn’t it – there just seems to be so much hatred out there. Definitely makes you want to hold your little ones that little bit closer. What a lovely father-son moment to have captured and a perfect photo for Father’s Day 🙂

  2. It’s a lovely photo and a good reminder of what’s important in life. As you say, it’s been a week to forget – the death of Jo Cox a genuine tragedy. I feel for her family.

  3. You’re right, the world seems to have gone rather mad recently which makes you really appreciate your friends and love ones.
    It’s a beautiful shot; a keeper for the family album.
    Enjoy Father’s Day with your family

  4. You are so right. Anything could happen to us any moment and I am feeling over protective with my daughter.

    That is such a lovely photo of your son and his daddy. It could be a Father’s day card photo/cover. x

  5. With all the bad news going on, it is important to remember what is best in life and enjoy it – the picture is fantastic – let’s hope that in future we can see our children grow up in a better world

  6. It has been a truly awful week. What an amazing woman she was, doing so much good for others. I hope you’re feeling ok. That is such a lovely photo. Happy Fathers day to you all x

  7. His eyes is smiling too! Lovely capture. I so agree with that everything esp the news sounds negative that it gives me chills. #mysundayphoto

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