My Sunday Photo 27.12.15

Last Updated on March 22, 2016 by HodgePodgeDays

As I sit and write this it’s Boxing Day. I have a fridge full of leftovers and a camera roll on my iPad filled with great pictures of my family sat around the dinner table enjoying their Christmas dinner. I have a few snaps of me, my dad and my brother sat making balloon animals, just like we used to when we were children. Pictures of my son opening his presents, photos of him bouncing on the bed with joy on Chrostmas Eve and pictures of him discovering floury footprints by the fireplace in Christmas morning. A camera roll full of memories sat on a virtual cloud somewhere.

But the picture I’ve chosen it probably one of my favourites, taken at the Christingle service at church, attended by lots of his school friends; carols were sung, Merry Chistmasses wished and I shed a little tear. December has been a long hard slog, but we got there, we made all the way to Christmas unscathed and excited for the days ahead. Christingle always marks the start of our Christmas and we went home and our family celebrations began.

My Sunday Photo 27.12.15

Merry Christmas everyone, hope you’ve had a good one x

11 thoughts on “My Sunday Photo 27.12.15

  1. I also love a good Christingle service. Alas, travel plans meant we didn’t get to a service this year. Well done on making it through the month. #MySundayPhoto

  2. I love Christingle services they are so lovely, so glad you all had a fab time. Do you know I don’t think I take as many pics at Christmas, I relax a little too much, happy new year to you all x xx

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