My Sunday Photo 3.4.16

Last Updated on May 25, 2016 by HodgePodgeDays


The last week has been such a busy one and I’ve been busy with my camera. Scrolling back over the couple of hundred photographs I’ve taken this week, this is the one which stands out the most to me. It’s not a great photograph, if it wasn’t just a quick snap in passing it could be better, but it is the one photo which stands out as especially beautiful.

Last Sunday I went to the Gin Festival at Victoria Baths in Manchester. This beautiful Edwardian building is being painstakingly restored. Throughout the building there are stained glass windows and this caught my eye. She’s a beautiful Angel I guess, I’m not sure who she really is or who she represents, but I’m quite in love with her.

Happy Sunday! Xx

18 thoughts on “My Sunday Photo 3.4.16

  1. Lovely! Tomorrow is Divine Mercy Sunday would be lovely if you could share an image of that as well 🙂

  2. What a beautiful window. I love stained glass generally but this is especially nice. I can see why you took the photo. #MySundayPhoto

  3. Wow, that is stunning. I love the way the colours shine. Sounds like you’ve had a busy week with that many photos!

  4. Wow that’s beautiful, I’ve never seen anything quite like this with those wings #MySundayPhoto

    1. I’ve looked it up and the window dates from 1905 give or take a year, so she’s not modern, just of the style of the period. The whole building is filled with these gorgeous windows.

  5. I agree thats its amazing. The colors are so vivid with the bright background =) #mysundayphoto

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