54 thoughts on “My Sunday Photo 13/7/14

  1. Beautiful deer – did you get that close or do you have an awesome lens on your DSLR?
    Love Vicky

    1. They’re really tame deer in a local deer park. I didn’t have my camera with me so this was taken on hubbies iphone, I’m really pleased with it actually πŸ™‚

  2. love how they’re all lined up! I found out the other day that they lose their antlers at the start of the year and they only start growing back around this time of year…the things you learn at 33!!

  3. Now that’s one of those pics that plays with the mind a little πŸ™‚

  4. Wow, how cool is that?! I’d want to touch them, that’d probay make them mad though. I love your camera, your photo is so clear! I want a new camera.

  5. You couldn’t have lined them up more perfectly if you’d had a ruler and protractor to measure the angles! Wonderful image.

    Popping over from Silent Sunday

  6. Brilliant!! So cool that that they’re all lined up – they almost look like toys!! xx

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