Review: Jam Transit Wireless Stereo Headphones

I love music, always have. Music is a huge part of my daily life and I can’t imagine being without it. I listen to it when I’m out walking, on public transport, cooking in the kitchen, sat working and when I’m just chilling out. I’m aware that at times I do turn the volume up far too loud, thus annoying my neighbours. I try to use my iPod a lot, although it’s brilliant, the earphones are crappy and uncomfortable. Happily, I was sent some Jam Headphones to review. So I did.

Like any technology, I fear it, so I gave them to hubs to figure out (I am instruction leaflet phobic, it’s a thing). I knew they must be alright when I looked up ten minutes later to see him sat listening to his iPod with a massive smile on his face. It was an auspicious start.

He gave me a tutorial…
1. Put these on your head *hands me the headphones*
2. Connect it to your Bluetooth
3. Play music
4. The buttons on one of the ear-cups, control the volume and let’s you skip tracks.

It’s pretty much as simple as that. As a famous meerkat might say, simples.

jam headphones

Two things which weren’t part of my tutorial with hubs were, the on/off button is on the control panel on the side of one of the ear-cups, just hold it down and it switches on or off. The battery in the headphones is rechargeable and lasts for up to 11 hours, to re-charge the battery you just connect it via the USB cable supplied to your laptop or other compatible devices. So it’s pretty perfect for commuting to work and re-charging while you’re at your desk.

The headphones are comfortable, with an adjustable headband to suit even big heads, or those like me with unfeasibly small bonces. The ear cups are comfortable and sit over the ear, which for me is so much more comfortable than the horrible Apple earbuds I’m used to. They stayed on during some gentle, fast approaching middle age dancing around the lounge I did too.

The sound is good quality, it’s a definite improvement on what I have been using, decent bass and happy sounds bouncing around my ears. They’re a decent quality, everyday headphone. These headphones are wireless Bluetooth headphones and they’re good for up to ten metres from your Bluetooth device, I had a little wander away from my stereo and they had a good range.

These Jam headphones also come with a speakerphone, so if you’re using you phone to listen to music you can easily toggle between them and answer your phone. I don’t use my phone for listening to music, so I wasn’t able to test that feature.

Jam Transit Wireless Stereo Headphones are available in black, red and white. They retail at around £37 (current price on Amazon), which I think is a good price for these decent quality headphones, which I imagine most people will use on their daily commute, or like me, for not annoying your neighbours.

Note: I was sent these Jam Headphones free of charge for review purposes. All images and opinions are my own.