Review: Snowy Leopard Microwaveable Hottie

Of all the rooms in the house, my son’s bedroom is probably the coldest. It’s great in the heat of the summer, but not so good during the cold winter months. To counter this we bundle him up in cosy pyjamas, tuck him up under an extra blanket and we have an extra heater in his room. One of the things he likes the most is having a microwaveable hottie to hug in bed.

We were sent a Snowy Leopard Microwaveable Hottie from Aroma Home to put to the test. Launched in 2000, Aroma Home are the market leader for children’s microwaveable hotties. They have an adorable collection of lavender scented characters which include a snuggly husky, an owl, a penguin, a reindeer and this snowy leopard.

Snowy Leopard Microwaveable Hottie

Each snuggable hottie has a removable tummy which is gently scented with lavender that can be warmed up separately in a microwave. To access the microwavable pouch, there is a hidden strip of velcro underneath the hottie which you open to remove the pouch. Microwave this for up to one minute and then put it back inside the hottie ready for cuddling.

I always think microwavable hotties are a great alternative to hot water bottles, I have horrors of hot water leaking out and burning the small boy, microwavable hotties seem much safer and are great for children. The lavender fragrance is also good for helping him to relax and drift off to sleep.

Snowy Leopard Microwaveable Hottie

I really like the Aroma Home Snowy Leopard Microwaveable Hottie. I think the removable microwavable pouch is excellent and much better than having to microwave a whole bear.

The Snowy Leopard is incredibly snuggly and very lovely to cuddle. He is made from 100% polyester and he shouldn’t be microwaved. The small boy loved cuddling him in bed at night. He obviously found his soft snuggliness and lavender fragrance very soothing.

I like sending him to bed knowing he’s got something warm to cuddle up with on the cold winter nights. These Snuggable Hotties cost £12.99 and are available directly from the Aroma Home website, or from a range of other retailers.

We were sent this product for review purposes. All images and opinions are our own.