Brightening up the house with LED branch lights

After Christmas my house always looks extra dark, no twinkling lights on the tree to brighten the place, no beautiful strings of pretty lights illuminating the dark corners of the house. The dark evenings and the sudden change from light and festive to just normal and slightly drab do not help this, and somehow this adds to the gloom.

Unwilling to let the seeping melancholy overtake me, I got some LED branch lights from LED Hut with the intention of perking up a drab corner and perking me up too.

They arrived really well packaged. I opened the box and they were just ready to be used. They come with a small battery pack which uses 3x AA batteries (which were included), there is a small on/off switch, so you just switch them on and put them in a suitable vase or container. To switch off, just take the lights out and switch the battery pack off. Easy.

LED branch lights

I chose these really pretty  lights; ten LED branch lights which are inside decorative white mesh pods. They are on white branches which are made of metal so you can move and position them however you think best.

These work really well in my home which was (hastily) painted white when we moved in and has both modern Scandinavian (mainly Ikea) and traditional furniture. They suit the crisp contemporary whiteness and the cosy traditional look we also have going.

I’m quite in love with these lights and haven’t as yet decided where they will finally end up. At the moment they are in a vase on a bureau in the lounge, but I think they’d be lovely on the landing windowsill, in my office to pretty it up a little bit, or maybe even in the downstairs loo. I can see me getting a few more sets of these pretty LED branch lights.

These lovely LED branch lights give off a pleasing warm light, not bright enough to read by or do fine needlework under, but enough to brighten a gloomy corner. I like how the light shines out from the mesh, casting attractive patterns against the wall. There’s nothing I don’t like about them, even the price is reasonable, they’re just £11.99 from LED Hut, and much safer than the candles I normally burn to cheer the place up on a dark winters evening.

Note: I was sent these LED branch lights free of charge for review purposes, all images and opinions are my own.

Review: Christmas Lights from LED Hut

December is a dark, dark month, but it would be so much darker without our homes being festooned in Christmas lights. We’re not the kind of people to be putting the tree up and switching on the fairy lights on the first day of December, we tend to save that for the weekend before Christmas, but there’s something very cheering about having Christmas lights up, so we often put up a few lights at the start of advent to start getting us in the Christmas spirit.

I love simple white lights, they go with any scheme and I just find their brightness against the dark outside visually appealing. I ordered some LED Indoor Christmas Curtain Star Lights from LED Hut this year, as I wanted something new to light up our window. These curtain star lights have 64 stars on eight lines which hang from one top strand.

They are quite lovely when they’re lit up and I like the way the light reflects on the window. I think these will be a lovely cheery sight to walk past come December. I love having lights, but I confess I am a bit of a Christmas light snob, there are no neon flashing lights you can see from space on my house, bah humbug etc.


These lights look to be good quality and are easily put up (we have some hooks in our window for Christmas lights, so they just needed hooking over) and easy to switch on. We tend to put Christmas lights on timers which saves us having to think about it, plus it makes it extra nice to come home when its dark and see the lights on.

These lights would look lovely running down a banister, with each stand wrapped around a different spindle, but I think these are destined for our front window, simple, elegant, classy and festive, I love them. LED Hut have  a huge selection of Christmas lights to choose from, both indoor and outdoor, in lots of different styles and designs.

These curtain lights come from LED Hut and they offer a 2 year warranty on these particular lights and a 30 day no hassle returns policy. They cost £23.99 which I think is a good price for the number of bulbs, the amount of space they cover and the quality of the product. I can’t wait to put them up this Christmas.

Note: LED Hut kindly sent me these lights for review purposes, all images and opinions are my own. Visit their website for more information.