Wipeable Tablecloth Review

When we bought our house three years ago, we bought a new, big dining table which we use every day. The plan was that the table would be the centre of our lives; meals eaten at it, crafts and homework done on it, friends and family gathering round it. All that has happened and more, but we were stupid and just left the plain wood bare. This means the table is already scarred from the “stabbing it with a fork” phase the small boy went through. So to protect it from further harm we ordered an oilcloth wipeable tablecloth from Wipe Easy Tablecloths.

To order, we measured our table and selected the appropriate size and design of oilcloth wipeable tablecloth and it was delivered the next day. We wanted something fairly neutral, so I opted for the duck egg with white polka dots, it was a good choice because it does look fantastic in our kitchen, the shade is lovely and restful.

wipeable tablecloth

We have over the course of the Bank Holiday weekend given it a rigorous testing. We’ve had a takeaway curry, we’ve done painting, gluing, sticking, we’ve played with playdoh, we’ve made cakes and we’ve eaten family meals on it. Everything has wiped clean from it, and it’s stopped the relentless stabby fork from marking the table. It’s fair to say we are delighted with it.

Wipe Easy Tablecloths have a huge range of oilcloth, PVC and vinyl designs to choose from, so you can easily find a tablecloth to suit your style and they’re really reasonably priced, so much so I’m going to treat myself to a Christmas one nearer the time. I can’t believe it’s taken us this long to get one.

Note: Wipe Easy Tablecloths sent me my tablecloth free of charge for review purposes. All images and opinions are my own.