Last Updated on June 27, 2017 by HodgePodgeDays
With my small boy being a massive Paw Patrol fan (have you noticed?) our house is slowly filling with Paw Patrol toys and merchandise. The latest addition is a brand a new Fuzzy Felt Paw Patrol set from John Adams Toys which was launched this month.
Paw Patrol fans will love the new Fuzzy Felt Paw Patrol set. It’s a reboot of the classic fuzzy craft toy which you might remember from your own childhood. I think every adult I know gets misty-eyed about the happy hours they spent playing with Fuzzy Felt and I’m no exception. I had previously dismissed Fuzzy Felt as a bit too basic and a bit too old fashioned for my son. But I was wrong, completely wrong.
The new Fuzzy Felt Paw Patrol set costs £10.99 and is widely available in toy shops and online. The Fuzzy Felt Paw Patrol set contains four felt sheets with over 70 assorted felt shapes and a felt playboard. All you need is your imagination and you’re all set for hours of fuzzy fun.
The felt shapes come in sheets and you can easily pop the pre-cut felt shapes out and arrange them however you want on the playboard. Come on, you know how fuzzy felt works, why am I explaining it?
The Fuzzy Felt Paw Patrol Set is suitable for children aged 3+ and I did think it would be far too basic and old fashioned for my six year old, but I was very, very wrong. He absolutely loved it, we sat in the garden for well over an hour playing with it. I went inside and left him to it for another half hour while I cooked our dinner and he happily played with it. He only stopped to eat and then was straight back on it again. It just goes to show, the classics are classics for a reason.
If I had any criticism at all, it would be that the playboard is just A4 sized and I know my son would have loved something a bit bigger, perhaps an A3 board which folds down to an A4 size would suit him better.
I am really pleased my son likes this Fuzzy Felt Paw Patrol Set. It’s perfect for packing to take on holiday, especially knowing how long he will happily play with it. I know he will get great play value from this. If you’re wavering over buying fuzzy felt, don;t waver, just do it. I am astonished by how much he likes it.
You can watch my son playing with his Fuzzy Felt Paw Patrol set here on YouTube.
Disclaimer: We were sent this Fuzzy Felt Paw Patrol Set for review purposes. All images and opinions are our own. This blog post contains an affiliate link.