5 Top Tips For A Healthier Christmas

Last Updated on December 30, 2020 by HodgePodgeDays

Christmas is a time for more; More family time, more food, more fun, and more unhealthy habits. It can be easy to overindulge during the festive period, but, unfortunately, this can have a large negative impact on your health. If you want to keep yourself in tip-top condition over Christmas, then follow these simple tips.

Looking back at 2016 - a year to forget

Avoid Overeating

It’s probably not much of a surprise, but everyone tends to eat a lot more than they should over the festive period. You can’t really be blamed; Christmas brings with it a whole range of delicious foods. But, that doesn’t mean that you need to eat everything that’s put in front of you. Eat regular sized meals, and try not to eat too many snacks. If you are going to be eating extra, you have to exercise extra to compensate. Visit http://www.womansday.com for some simple exercises that you can do at home.

Move It

It’s easy to just sit around all day on Christmas, after all, Elf is on the TV. However, if you’re going to be eating more food during the festive period, then it’s really not the time to cut back on your exercise. Instead of sitting on the sofa all day, encourage your family to go for a walk after you’ve eaten. This is a great opportunity for the kids to try out their new bikes and scooters too!

Cut Back On Smoking

With all of the winter bugs and colds going around, it’s more important than ever to maintain a healthy immune system. Unfortunately, if you smoke, it’s going to be hard to do this. You’ll also find it a lot harder to breathe outside, because of the cold air. Consider cutting back, and trying E-cigarettes instead. You can find kits and the liquid at https://www.e-liquiduk.co.uk/.

Cook Smart

I hate to break it to you, but December brings with it some of the highest numbers of food poisoning cases, so you have to be careful if you’re in charge of the cooking. Defrost your turkey in the fridge, to minimise bacterial growth, and don’t wash it before cooking it; It’s completely unnecessary and could spread bacteria. Also be sure to eat leftovers within two days, unless you’re freezing them for later.

Christmas dinner

Stress Less

There is so much to do during the festive period that it’s pretty difficult not to spend every waking moment stressing about what is yet to be brought, cooked, wrapped, cleaned, or decorated. All of this stress really isn’t healthy and can make you really ill, which will only cause you even more stress. Christmas is an important day, but it’s just a day, so don’t make yourself ill by trying to get it perfect. Something will probably go wrong, and that’s something that you can’t control, so you have to accept it.

No one wants to be under the weather during the festive period, in fact, it can completely ruin your Christmas, so follow the tips above if you want to stay healthy.

This is a contributed post.

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