How To Cut Food Shopping Costs & Save Those Pennies

Last Updated on October 19, 2022 by HodgePodgeDays

There is no getting away from the fact that when it comes to having a family, every cost gets higher. Children add a great deal of joy to our lives, but they also mean that almost every household bill we have to pay is higher. Coping with this rise in the cost of living is not always an easy task, in fact at times it can be downright difficult.

As parents, we naturally want to give our kids the best start possible, which is why we take their diets so seriously, ensuring that we pack their meals with healthy and nutritious foods. Of course, the problem with buying healthy and nutritious foods is that often they are somewhat expensive, which can take the cost of your food shop up by a large amount.

The good news is that while family food shopping can be extremely expensive, it doesn’t have to break the bank. The key to success is knowing what it takes to be a savvy shopper and how you can cut costs when purchasing your family’s weekly food shop.

Slashing your shopping bill with Approved Food

Wondering how to do that? Below are some useful tips and ideas for cutting the cost of your family’s food shop and stretching your funds further.

Compare supermarket prices

One of the very best things that you can do when it comes to cutting food shopping costs is to use an online comparison tool to determine which supermarket will work out cheaper for you to do your food shop in. These tools are amazing as they allow you to add in what you want to buy in the search bar and then compare the prices at various supermarkets, telling you which one will work our cheaper and by how much for your weekly food shop.

Take advantage of deals and discounts

It’s essential that before you do a food shop, you take the time to look online and in supermarket magazines for any deals or discounts that you can take advantage of. Once you choose the store that you want to shop in, such as Asda for instance, you can then Google ‘Asda discount codes’ and see what money-saving deals and discounts come up. Whether you find a buy one get one free deal on cheese or a buy three for the price of one deal on bags of crisps, it’s important to take advantage of it to help cut family food shopping costs.

Meal plan

Before heading to the supermarket to do a food shop, sit down and create a meal plan. Meal planning is, without a doubt, one of the very best ways to cut costs and ensure that your family food shop is as affordable as possible. This is simply because it can make food go further. For example, say you plan on cooking a piece of gammon to have with chips and fried eggs for tea, you could then plan to use the leftover gammon to have with bubble and squeak the next night or to use for sandwiches instead or to have with poached eggs, breakfast muffins, and hollandaise sauce. By meal planning, you can save yourself a lot of money, which is why it’s beneficial to take the time to do.

There you have it, everything that you need to know about how to cut your food shopping costs and save those extra pennies.

This is a contributed post.

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