Learning: Is It Time To Embrace E-Learning?

Last Updated on January 1, 2021 by HodgePodgeDays

If you’re reading this, you are probably starting to think about college or further education either for yourself or your children. Where should your kids go to college? When should they start preparing for it and how on earth can you afford it? Today, we’re not going to answer any of those questions. Instead, we’re going to look at the possibility of e-learning and why it might be the best option for your child.

E-learning is often learning based entirely, mainly or partially online. Through e-learning, you can gain access to the same or similar courses that you could at university. However, rather than spending your time at the college, you can work from home. This brings us to the first, rather awesome advantage of e-learning.

Complete Freedom

With e-learning there typically isn’t a full schedule. As such, you can choose when you want to work, how you want to work and how often you want to study. There might be an area of the course that you know like the back of your hand. You can skip over it and instead focus on another section. Or, you can use the spare time more wisely. Your kids won’t be rushing to lectures either which means that they could theoretically stay at home.

Now, the disadvantage of this is that they will miss out on the level of independence that develops when you’re in college. However, it doesn’t have to be that way, and there’s another advantage that we have to point out.

It’s Cheaper

If you’re worried about the costs of college you probably just breathed a sigh of relief. On average, top colleges can cost fees that range in the hundreds of thousands. If you don’t want to leave your kids with huge amounts of debt once they complete their degree, you’ll have to figure out how to pay these bills. But you won’t have to if you embrace the idea of e-learning. With e-learning courses are a lot cheaper, and you don’t have to worry about all the expensive add ons like renting a dorm room. Instead, it’s all covered in one easy to pay bill. There’s another benefit too.

Faster Than You Think

How long do you think it takes to graduate from college? You’re probably thinking somewhere along the lines of four years, but that’s not true online. You can graduate with an accredited online MBA in just eighteen months! That’s incredible, and it puts that dependence argument into perspective. Once they have the degree, your kid will be free to leave the nest entering the job market, long before their peers. As such, it doesn’t diminish their gained level of dependence. It just postpones it.

Open Possibilities

Talking to your child, they might assume that their options are limited when studying online. But that’s not true either, and they can study everything from health to business management and even human resources. As such, they can still find the right degree for them and get started, pursuing their dream career.

So, is e-learning the right decision for your soon-to-be college student? It certainly could be!

Learning: Is It Time To Embrace E-Learning?
Photo Credit: http://www.leanforward.com/

This is a contributed post.

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