My Sunday Photo 29.11.15

On Friday night, me and almost every blogger with a northern accent (and a few rogue southerners) went to the On The List Co-Op event in Manchester.

It was a lovely, glittery, if very damp evening. I was part of the Q&A Panel (which you can read about here, should you wish), a role I was very much dreading and had managed to work myself up into a ball of anxiety about for most of the week.

My picture (taken by Karen Hannah, aka Grumpyish Mum) shows me enjoying a post-panel drink and feeling relieved that I didn’t quite make a complete fool of myself for once.

I think you can see the relief on my face. It was a great night though, and it was lovely to see everyone again.

Photo credit: Karen Hannah

My Sunday Photo 22.11.15

I’ve been in love with the bright autumn colours since the leaves first starting falling from the trees in September. As we move ever closer to December and firmly into wintery territory the colours have muddied and the palate is shades of brown rather than glorious shades of reds and orange.

I went out for a walk this week, dodged between the showers of driving rain and took my chance to get some fresh air. Swaddled up in my winter coat, hat, scarf and gloves I was cosy, I’m in love with my new knee-high boots from TK Maxx and I wonder how I’ve coped without them in previous winters. 

My Sunday Photo for this week is me in my boots stood on some leaves. They caught my eye, a deep pool of still crisp crunchy leaves. On closer inspection the colours are lovely and the variety of leaves is pretty special too.

This was taken with my Nokia Lumia camera phone, it was just a quick snap in passing, nothing special, but it summed up my week of dodging showers and wrapping up against the weather.

My Sunday Photo 22.11.15

My Sunday Photo 8.11.15

Okay, okay, maybe this isn’t the best picture I’ve ever taken, but it’s one which will always remind me of our first visit to our local firework display. For 15 minutes before the start he stood with his fingers in his ears, nervous, unsure. But then the display started and although the fingers firmly stayed in his ears, he loved the ones which went Whhizzzz and liked the BANGS and the million thousand sparkly stars in the sky. He’s asked to watch the fireworks each night since. I’m calling that a success!


My Sunday Photo 27.9.15

This week I went to River Cottage in Devon with a group of food bloggers. We had a fantastic time, learnt a lot, laughed a lot and stood about in awe a lot. I took approximately 3 million photographs, some of them were pretty ok too. But my favourite was this, the pigs tails. It also seemed slightly topical (*coughs* David Cameron *coughs*). So here you go, two curly pigs tails wiggling in the sunshine.

River Cottage