Our Visit to Reddish Vale Farm

Last Updated on February 20, 2015 by HodgePodgeDays

On Saturday we bowed to recent (somewhat excessive) pressure from our 3 year old, who was desperate to see “the piggins”, and took him to one of our local-ish City Farms, Reddish Vale Farm.

We’d been before, last summer, and I was surprised that he remembered the visit. As we turned into the car park he was so excited, bouncing around in his car seat pointing at the tractors and horses.

Reddish Vale Farm

He loved it, we took him round to see all the animals; cows, alpacas, llamas, ducks, chickens, pigs, donkeys, goats, sheep, rabbits, guinea pigs, tortoises and there’s even an aviary full of parrots, budgies and other birds.

Reddish Vale Farm

He loved it and can’t wait to tell his friends at nursery about his little farmyard adventure. We’ll be back again in another few months, if for no other reason than to check on the piggins.

This is not a sponsored post, just a diary of a day out. If you want to visit yourself then you can find their website here.

9 thoughts on “Our Visit to Reddish Vale Farm

  1. Oh my it sounds just like a little Coombe Mill with all the same animals. Wonderful to have a farm like this close by that you can visit for a day out.The animals all look very happy there as does your son!

  2. This looks like a lovely day out. I’ve never been to Reddish Vale farm but you’re not the first person to say it was great. Must visit. #sharefriday

  3. How cute is your LO “piggins”. I love a good small animals farm. The kids all get dead excited when they feed the animals xx

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