Review: Press’d Coffee – proper coffee in a squeeze!

Last Updated on September 16, 2017 by HodgePodgeDays

I was sent a couple of little bottles of Press’d Coffee to try out. Pressd Coffees are little (48ml) bottles of 100% coffee concentrate. It looks like a syrup but without the sweetness. Each bottle contains enough for 16 cups of coffee and tastes like good quality filter coffee, not powdery instant.

I’m not entirely sure I could effectively function without coffee. It gets me going in the morning when I need to get cracking, and gives me a boost during the mid-afternoon slump. I am a coffee snob, I like the proper filtered stuff, thick black and strong, unapologetically tainted with milk and sugar. I don’t always feel I can justify making an entire 4 cup cafetiere just for me. Apart from the fact I always make way too much, there’s faffy washing up to take care of too.

Coffee Review: Press'd Coffee - proper coffee in a squeeze!

Press’d Coffee is made from 100% Arabica beans from Columbia and is available in three varieties-
        – Original Columbian
        – Vanilla Coffee
        – Caramel Coffee

I was sent the Original Columbian and the Vanilla Coffee to try, so I took them to the Alpine Tea Room in Didsbury to try with my friend Lou who owns the cafe, like me he likes a decent brew, I trust his opinion and it was an excuse to go out and drink coffee with a friend.

Coffee Review: Press'd Coffee - proper coffee in a squeeze!

We tried both coffees black with no sugar, as nature intended. The Original Columbian delivered a rich coffee hit, deep and pure and an all round winner. Once we added milk and sugar the coffee mellowed slightly and turned into a nice afternoon brew.

The Vanilla Coffee for me didn’t really suit being drunk black, with milk and sugar added it brought out the rich vanilla flavours and made it a very enjoyable drink. I don’t normally go for flavoured coffees, but I could make the exception for this I think. 

Lou agreed that the coffee was good, and worked out that at £2.99 a bottle it was just 18p per cup, which isn’t bad. The little bottles would be really handy to take out and about with you, to have at work, or in meetings, or take on holiday, or just to have at home, like me.

Press’d Coffee is available from Ocado. 

Note: I was sent these samples for review purposes. All images and opinions are our own.

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